Shadow Cloak

  1. Basic Information and Statistics
  2. Forging Information
  3. Strategy and Comments
  4. NW Values by Enchantment Level

Basic Information and Statistics

  • Base Armor Class (AC) : 11
  • No penalty to DX or Skills
  • Negative 1% to Direct Damage Spells (DD) cast by the wearer
  • Negative 0.75% to Enchant Offense Spells (EO) cast by the wearer
  • Negative 0.667% to Enchant Defense Spells (ED) cast by the wearer
  • A PR weight of 0.1 (where PR weight is an indicator of how much your PR will increase with networth when equipped). The higher the PR weight, the more your PR will increase with networth. PR weight only applies to armor and not weapons.
  • Commonly referred to as a SC
  • Average past auction price paid for this item: [1]

Forging Information

  • Durability : [55, 11] (Uses 16 BA / cycle) (forge efficiency approx. 0.98)


Strategy and Comments

NW Values by Enchantment Level

    +0 = $13,474
    +1 = $16,221        +26 = $5,226,898
    +2 = $19,714        +27 = $6,645,551
    +3 = $24,155        +28 = $8,449,493
    +4 = $29,803        +29 = $10,743,365
    +5 = $36,985        +30 = $13,660,225
    +6 = $46,117        +31 = $17,369,269
    +7 = $57,730        +32 = $22,085,645
    +8 = $72,497        +33 = $28,082,933
    +9 = $91,274        +34 = $35,709,013
   +10 = $115,151       +35 = $45,406,245
   +11 = $145,513       +36 = $57,737,129
   +12 = $184,121       +37 = $73,416,934
   +13 = $233,214       +38 = $93,355,186
   +14 = $295,641       +39 = $118,708,429
   +15 = $375,022       +40 = $150,947,310
   +16 = $475,962
   +17 = $604,316
   +18 = $767,530
   +19 = $975,071
   +20 = $1,238,978
   +21 = $1,574,559
   +22 = $2,001,280
   +23 = $2,543,893
   +24 = $3,267,157
   +25 = $4,111,244

    last edited by Newlin at Sep 25 2013 - Edit Shadow Cloak

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