  1. History
  2. Gear needed
  3. Training Method
  4. Pro's and Cons


The most common strategy that incorporates a Monk.

Gear needed

The gear you need for the Monk minion:

The large boost to Unarmed Combat provide by this armor set gives a large pth at makes Unarmed Combat viable.

Recommended Weapons

Other Possible Ranged Weapons

  • Assassin's Crossbow (has synergy with the UC monk's evasion because lowering the opponent's Dexterity will further decrease their chance of hitting you)
  • Enforcer's Crossbow (possible to bring tank damage to near 0 versus any unit even without evasion; no chance that they will do damage with the pth from their weapon unlike with the Assassin's Crossbow)

The gear for the Enchanter

Training Method

For the Monk HP, ST, DX, and Unarmed Combat at a ratio of 4:3:3:3

For the Enchanter All into Antimagic Field

Pro's and Cons



    last edited by ScY at Jan 13 2010 - Edit MoE

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