Contents: - Enchanter
- Wall
- Tank
- Enchanter
- Strategy and Comments
Basically 4 minions in this order : Enchanter, Wall, Tank, Enchanter. Enchanter
Recommended Armor: Training Method: Wall
Armor Recommended: Training Method: Tank Armor Recommended:
Training Method: Train Bloodlust (BL) at 1/5 of ST. Note that BL only works in melee rounds! (Alternate Skill: Archery. Again, keep the skill level at 1/3 of ST. Archery only affects bows.) Enchanter Recommended Armor:
Training Method: Strategy and Comments
- The reason for this order is that Enchanters only need to cast their spells at the start of each round and after that are useless, so they are used a small shield, also known as a meat shield. the purpose behind a wall is to block damage done to your main damage dealer(s) (in this case the Tank). The tank will be the only minion that will deal damage to your opponents(unless your enchantments do indirect damage via GA and/or AMF), so it needs to be protected the most.
- The tattoo needed for this strategy is the Tattoo of Augmentation (ToA) and to be placed on the tank, disregard any Body Armor, Cloak part of the armor set.
- Due to recent changes, it is viable to train Evasion on the wall as it gains a bonus in ranged combat. If training Evasion it should be trained at 1/4 or 1/3 and the rest of the xp into HP.
last edited by Cube at Jul 16 2008
- Edit EWTE
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