Boots of Fortitude

  1. Basic Information and Statistics
  2. Forging Information
  3. Strategy and Comments
  4. NW Values by Enchantment Level

Basic Information and Statistics

  • Abbreviation: BoF
  • Base Armor Class (AC): 12
  • Power weight: 0.2
  • Negative 5% to Direct Damage Spells (DD) cast by the wearer.
  • Negative 3.75% to Enchant Offense Spells (EO) cast by the wearer.
  • Negative 3.3% to Enchant Defense Spells (ED) cast by the wearer.
  • Negative 2% to DX and Skills.
  • Primary effect: Leadership: While your first minion is alive wearing these boots, it gives a bonus of 0.5% per enchantment level to the strength and direct damage spells of your other minions. Also grants +0.5 to-hit per enchantment plus to each of your other minions.
  • Average past auction price paid for this item: [1]

Forging Information

  • Durability [85:16] (Uses 23 BA / Cycle) (Forging Efficiency: 0.88)


Strategy and Comments

  • Leadership given by the Boots of Fortitude stack linear with the Amulet of Leadership.
  • These Boots should be equipped on the first (and thus leading) minion of a team.
  • If you use the boots in combination with the Amulet of Invisibility, they give the leadership bonus to your team until the very end (assuming only physical attacks...Direct Damage magic ignores the AoI).

NW Values by Enchantment Level

    +0 = $4,120
    +1 = $5,070
    +2 = $6,257
    +3 = $7,739
    +4 = $9,590
    +5 = $11,902
    +6 = $14,789
    +7 = $18,394
    +8 = $22,897
    +9 = $28,520
   +10 = $35,542
   +11 = $44,311
   +12 = $55,261
   +13 = $68,936
   +14 = $86,013
   +15 = $107,339
   +16 = $133,970
   +17 = $167,227
   +18 = $208,758
   +19 = $260,621
   +20 = $325,387
   +21 = $406,265
   +22 = $447,791
   +23 = $633,391
   +24 = $790,896
   +25 = $987,851
   +26 = $1,233,207
   +27 = $1,539,936
   +28 = $1,922,974
   +29 = $2,401,305
   +30 = $2,998,636
   +31 = $3,744,573
   +32 = $4,676,082
   +33 = $5,839,344
   +34 = $7,292,000
   +35 = $9,106,051
   +36 = $11,371,407
   +37 = $14,200,344
   +38 = $17,733,071
   +39 = $22,144,679
   +40 = $27,653,817
   +41 = $35,533,533
   +42 = $43,124,802
   +43 = $53,853,428
   +44 = $67,251,148
   +45 = $83,981,987
   +46 = $104,875,166
   +47 = $130,966,202
   +48 =
   +49 =
   +50 =
   +51 =
   +52 =
   +53 =
   +54 =
   +55 =
   +56 = $967,252,018

    last edited by Xenogard at Oct 9 2011 - Edit Boots of Fortitude

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