salutations (in New players)

BobTheBuilder December 1 2010 2:33 PM EST

it looks fun here
hope I don't get lost

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2010 2:35 PM EST

Hello and welcome!

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 1 2010 2:46 PM EST

It is fun! CM me if you have any questions. And Good Luck!

Unappreciated Misnomer December 1 2010 5:20 PM EST

Welcome! i look forward to making you apart of my favorites ;)

on a side note: someone has to take over for Zen's postings.

Phoenix [The Forgehood] December 1 2010 5:20 PM EST

I understand that zen's still going to do the postings.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2010 5:20 PM EST

Welcome to the blender!

Demigod December 1 2010 5:22 PM EST

Can you build it? Yes you can. But it would be easier to build a strong team if you jumped into one of the active clans (avoid the mass of junked ones). Any clan with room will accept you.

QBOddBird December 1 2010 5:25 PM EST

Welcome to CB, Mr. Builder, we are glad to have you! :)

Ankou December 1 2010 6:14 PM EST


Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2010 6:16 PM EST

Welcome to Carnage Blender!

Getting past the Tutorial is half the Battle!

Life after the Tutorial can be tough as there is a lot of information to learn and some of it is not easy to comprehend. If you have any questions please feel free to pop up into chat and ask them, there are many experienced players with answers willing to help.


Follow the links below to some of the best information on the site that you can get, made and compiled by the top players in the game.

Getting Started
Getting Answers
  • Official FAQ - This Should Answer a Lot of your Questions!
  • Unofficial FAQ - This Should Answer a Lot more of them!
  • Glossary - This Will help with all of those Acronyms Vets Spout off!
Things You Can Do

Keep in mind that this game is meant for long term play so Game On!

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] December 1 2010 7:05 PM EST

Hello and welcome!

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] December 1 2010 7:06 PM EST

Welcome, come and join the carnage!
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