September 15 2010 7:27 PM EDT
hey guys new to the game any ideas....
welcome! ill send you a free tattoo
September 15 2010 7:33 PM EDT
Welcome to CB!
As for ideas...I'd say pick a theme and stick with it. Do you want to try to be an archer? Aim for that. A defensive Enchanter/Warrior team combo? Fantastic idea. A mage? Excellent, then you don't have to buy weapons!
But don't try to do all of it. An enchanter/mage/fighter/archer/etc team ends up dividing too thinly, and you just have a bunch of really weak minions losing to everyone. Keep it straightforward, and you'll do well.
And ask any of us if you have any questions! We're all willing to help in any way we can. :)
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