Greetings (in New players)

Nevrei June 15 2010 12:10 AM EDT

Hi everyone, I'm new around here.

I've been reading up on strategies and decided to follow the beginner strategy of making a fireball mage (I guess everyone does this?) The docs all call for getting fancy items like Helms of Clearsight and non-lesser tattoos and whatnot, but the only way I've found to get a hold of these is shelling out real money for it. Or, barring that, hope it pops up in the auction house and try to win it against people that I'm sure have way more cash than I do. Is there some better way of getting the gear that you need for a particular strategy? I looked into rentals but I can never find the things I'm looking for.

Any advice? Thanks!

basgor June 15 2010 12:14 AM EDT

hi and welcome to CB you might want to try the rentals section under businesses :) good luck and enjoy the NUB bonus :D

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] June 15 2010 12:16 AM EDT

Hello and welcome to CB!

As for advice, it looks like you already have a great start. One key tip is concentrating your experience can be key, and you're doing great with that already. Don't worry about money, that will start to come soon enough, just keep at it. If you try and log in as many times as you can each day and fight through as much BA as you can, you'll go far. Best of luck and hope to see you around!

Oh yeah, one last thing. A regular tattoo is definitely a great investment, but the Helm of Clearsight (HoC) is too. However, a HoC can usually be rented, and tattoos grow, so my advice is try to pick and find a tattoo first. Later!

Demigod June 15 2010 12:28 AM EDT

There's not an HoC in rentals right now, but there should be one popping up in the next few days. It's a must-have item, but you'll have plenty of time to save up in-game money to buy one off another player.

And the FB mage strat is a popular one to use while you learn the game, but singe-minion teams get pretty hard. Don't worry about that just yet, but let us know if you have any questions.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 15 2010 12:32 AM EDT

Welcome to Carnage Blender!

Getting past the Tutorial is half the Battle!

Life after the Tutorial can be tough as there is a lot of information to learn and some of it is not easy to comprehend. If you have any questions please feel free to pop up into chat and ask them, there are many experienced players with answers willing to help.


Follow the links below to some of the best information on the site that you can get, made and compiled by the top players in the game.

Getting Started
Getting Answers
  • Official FAQ - This Should Answer a Lot of your Questions!
  • Unofficial FAQ - This Should Answer a Lot more of them!
  • Glossary - This Will help with all of those Acronyms Vets Spout off!
Things You Can Do

Keep in mind that this game is meant for long term play so Game On!

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