Various Formulae

  1. Recruit Minion XP
  2. Average Rewards
  3. BA Regen Thresholds
  4. Character Transfer Cost
  5. Solving for XP given MPR & vice versa
  6. Solving for MTL given MPR & vice versa
  7. Tattoo growth rates
  8. Physical damage formula
  9. To-Hit Calculations

Recruit Minion XP

LMXP = Largest Minion XP = the total XP (trained or untrained) on the largest minion

  • Cheap Option Cost = aprox. LMXP*0.13(3) ; XP on new minion = Cost/5 = aprox. LMXP/37.5
  • Expensive Option Cost = aprox. LMXP*0.33(3) ; XP on new minion = Cost/3 = aprox. LMXP/9

Average Rewards


The formula below can be attributed to the user Avoid and is commonly referred to as Avoid's method. It works best if you do your calculations on Sunday when no clan bonuses are in play.

The first step is to attack a character twice and record the cash rewards from each battle. If you get the same number twice, or if they are only a dollar or two off, you'll need a third battle.

Then Take the higher of your two values and divide it by the lower.

  • If you get 2.25,2,1.75 or 1.25, multiply the lower cash value by 13/8 to get your average cash reward.
  • If you get 1.8,1.6,1.4 or 1.2, multiply the lower cash value by 13/10 to get your average cash reward.
  • If you get 1.333 or 1.667, multiply the lower cash value by 13/12 to get your average cash reward.
  • If you get 1.286 or 1.143, multiply the lower cash value by 13/14 to get your average cash reward.
  • If you get 1.125, multiply the lower cash value by 13/16 to get your average cash reward.
  • If you get 1.5, there are two possibilities for what your average cash reward can be - low*13/8 or low*13/12. You can look at both and guess which is right, or you can fight another battle and try again, or you can find a nice quiet corner and cry.

This doesn't work for xp; only cash, but you can get your average xp rewards by dividing your average cash rewards by 1.655. This method is hardly accurate anymore since it does not take account the Challenge Bonus and how its different per character. Since it can range from +100% to -100%.


  • If you get 2, 1.75, 1.5, or 1.25, multiply the lower cash value by 3/2 to get your average cash reward.
  • If you get 1.6, 1.4, or 1.2 multiply the lower cash value by 6/5 to get your average reward.
  • If you get 1.33 or 1.167 the lower cash value is your average reward.
  • If you get 1.142 multiply the lower cash value by 5/6 to get your average reward.

BA Regen Thresholds

TopMPR in the following formula is defined as the highest MPR character in the game. This can be found from your "Home" page>Character standings>Minions PR link. The calculated value for moving to a different BA Regen threshold is based on your VPR (MPR+experience) and the top MPR.

  • 9/20=TopMPR*.025
  • 8/20=TopMPR*.15
  • 7/20=TopMPR*.4
  • 6/20=TopMPR*.6

Character Transfer Cost

VMPR is equal to all trained & untrained XP. If all of your XP is trained, then VMPR is equal to MPR.

  • 4/3*VMPR + 100k

Solving for XP given MPR & vice versa

This equation is accurate to within 1% and was provided by Miandrital & Lochnivar.

  • EXP = (1.4307*(MPR^1.2501))
  • MPR = (EXP/1.4307)^(1/1.2501)

Solving for MTL given MPR & vice versa

  • MTL = (MPR^1.2501)*1.4307/24
  • MPR = (MTL*24/1.4307)^(1/1.2501)

Tattoo growth rates

  • "Lesser" tattoos grow at 1/3 the rate of MTL = one level for every 72 XP earned by the character's team
  • "Regular" tattoos grow at 2/3 the rate of MTL = one level for every 36 XP earned by the character's team

Physical damage formula

  • Weapons are listed as Weapon name [CxWDM] (+PTH), where C - some constant determining a rough power of the weapon ; WDM - weapon damage multiplier (a.k.a. "weapon x") ; PTH - weapon added point to hit (a.k.a. "weapon +")
  • Damage = Base damage * SQRT ( (ST/20) * Weapon_damage_multiplier )
  • Base damage is the (min/average/max) damage dealt by that particular weapon at the base weapon stats from a 20 ST minion
  • That base damage is NOT the "C" number listed in the weapon description, but is based on it:
  • Base Damage = 0,0573 * weapon_base / (1 - 0,0075 * weapon_base)
  • BoNE 92x1: 17 base damage
  • Morgul Hammer 84x1: 13 base damage
  • So total damage calculation formula is: damage = (0,0573 * weapon_base / (1 - 0,0075 * weapon_base)) * SQRT ( (ST/20) * Weapon_damage_multiplier )
  • SQRT is the Square Root function (or, in other words X^0.5)

What this means in layman's terms is that the base reference points of all weapons is the damage dealt by an x1 weapon of that type wielded by a minion with 20 ST.

In order to double the damage dealt (i.e. increase damage by a factor of two), you can either:

  • increase ST by a factor of four
  • or you can increase the weapon X by a factor of four
  • or you can increase both ST and weapon X by a factor of two each.

To-Hit Calculations

Since we have a page devoted to the To-hit calculation, follow the link to see the in-depth method of calculation.

    last edited by magician at Jan 19 - Edit Various Formulae

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