Helm of Ecthelion

  1. Basic Information and Statistics
  2. Forging
  3. Fun Facts
  4. NW Values by Enchantment Level

Basic Information and Statistics

  • Base AC : 6
  • Negative 2% to Direct Damage Spells, negative 1.5% to Enchant Offense Spells, negative 1.33% to Enchant Defense Spells
  • Plus 1% to base ST for each Enchantment bonus
  • This bonus applies only to trained ST and ST from Tattoo of Augmentation, Giant Strength is calculated after armor penalties/bonuses.
  • Can not be forged
  • A Power weight of 0.15 (where PR weight is an indicator of how much your PR will increase with networth when equipped). The higher the PR weight, the more your PR will increase with networth. PR weight only applies to armor and not weapons.
  • Commonly referred to as a HoE
  • No penalty to Unarmed Combat (UC) used by the wearer
  • Average past auction price paid for this item: [1]


  • N/A - Blacksmith Only


Fun Facts

The Helm of Ecthelion is presumably a reference to the silver-spiked helmet of the elf Ecthelion of the Fountain, from JRR Tolkien's history of his fictional world of Middle-Earth. Ecthelion killed a Balrog (a demonic creature of evil) by driving the spike of his helmet into its chest. (See "Book of Lost Tales 2: The Fall of Gondolin"). See also [2]

NW Values by Enchantment Level

   +0  = $4,301
   +1  = $5,836
   +2  = $8,160
   +3  = $11,679
   +4  = $17,006
   +5  = $25,070
   +6  = $37,276
   +7  = $55,754
   +8  = $83,725
   +9  = $126,065
   +10 = $190,158
   +11 = $287,178
   +12 = $434,040
   +13 = $656,352
   +14 = $992,874
   +15 = $1,502,280
   +16 = $2,273,388
   +17 = $3,440,643
   +18 = $5,207,562
   +19 = $7,882,214
   +20 = $11,930,938
   +21 = $18,059,645
   +22 = $27,336,903
   +23 = $41,380,242
   +24 = $62,638,179
   +25 = $94,817,128
   +26 = $143,527,629
   +27 = $217,262,569

    last edited by [RX3]Cotillion at Jan 21 2008 - Edit Helm of Ecthelion

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