E:RoBFContents:This strategy is probably the most easiest and simplest way to run a single minion, far easier then training a Single Fireball Mage or a single Tank/Archer for that matter. The way this minion is setup needs very little gear or Net Worth, you basically need a Rune of Balrog Flame and thats about it. Later on gear that helps to boost the skill Evasion will be useful. The Rune of Balrog Flame (RoBF) protects against Direct Damage Spells (except for Decay), boosts your Evasion levels and gives one Melee attack each round. After the recent changes to evasion [1] and [2], this strategy is no longer useful. Unless you're willing to pump DX as well. Both the EW:RoBF and the WEW:RoBF are very similar strategies with slight modification. The gear you need to start the single Enchanter minion: When using Training method 1 [3]: Very important the bigger the better!
For added AC protection
When using Training method 2 [4]: Very important the bigger the better!
For added AC protection
Training is easy with this single minion setup. You only need to train the following four stats:
You don't need much HP as you think you need, only a couple of thousands should be enough. This is basically more of a trial and error way to find out how much you need. (The Magic Resistance was considerably reduced after it was turned to a percentage based system, so you may need to train more HP to beat up on Mages) As for Evasion and Antimagic Field (AMF); you want to train Evasion to beat those pesky Tanks and Archers you will face, a high enough Evasion will counter the opponents PTH (or Points-to-Hit) but not CTH (change-to-hit) or weapon BTH (base-to-hit). For this you need to train dexterity, train Evasion and Dexterity about 1:1 ratio. The evasion cuts into PTH and the DX cuts into the remaining CTH. While the Rune of Balrog Flame gives a modest protection against Mages and Direct Damage Spells (DD) it isn't enough on its own to stop a well setup Mage Team. Therefore, the single minion must train AMF, it stops Mages from damaging you and the Mages take damage from their own DD. Since training four stats gives a lot of XP dilution the next training method compensates this with brute force or Net Worth. Training is easy with this single minion setup. You only need to train the following three stats:
The second training method has a better XP concentration due to the fact you only have three stats to train. However, this means you need a great deal of money to build up your gear. This training method revolves around a big pair of Displacement Boots, where Training method 1 revolves around XP and training Evasion, to accomplish the same job, this one revolves on Net Worth to do same. Required are a modest size pair of Displacement Boots to do the job, a pair of +150' will do the job nicely when combined with an Amulet of Invisibility, but the general rule here is bigger is always better but be sure to stay below your Encumbrance Level. You want to maximize your HP to be sure the pair of Displacement Boots will fit your minion and to absorb any magical or even physical blows that might get through. Because the Magic Resistance was considerably reduced after it was turned to a percentage based system, so you may need to train more HP to beat up on Mages. As for Dexterity and Antimagic Field (AMF); you want to train Dexterity as this cuts more effectively into CTH then the Displacement Boots can. You only use the Displacement Boots to cut into the initial PTH of your opponents weapon. If your dexterity is larger then your opponents it has drastic effects on their ability to hit you. So the bigger the dexterity the less chance you will get hit. While the Rune of Balrog Flame gives a modest protection against Mages and Direct Damage Spells (DD) it isn't enough on its own to stop a well setup Mage Team. Therefore, the single minion must train AMF, it stops Mages from damaging you and the Mages take damage from their own DD. Pro's
last edited by Eurynome Bartleby at Jan 23 2010 - Edit E:RoBF Pages that link to this page: |