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Highest Scores for 2 Minions
Cynme (24324894)  
Charlie Day (24318419)  
Bisclavrette (24219794)  
Eyeles (24149108)  
Mystics (24145844)  
Bzugda (24145514)  
Chaood (24034356)  
Harfer (23162913)  
BooX2 (23098713)  
Dead End (23041698)  
Aquila (23025487)  
Aelthieln (22970195)  
Harsoncyn (21094949)  
Kaeptn (19555076)  
Trolls (19552872)  
Lujen Es (19336215)  
Hanvic (19312525)  
Ruepel Modrich (19158245)  
Flip (18840015)  
Lusun (18752745)  
KY (18752707)  
Jenke (18749946)  
Chobits (18744583)  
United States (18741529)  
The Hood (18740317)  
Eldames (18738240)  
Yanro (18737678)  
ShiningInTheDarkness (18730542)  
Tybel (18698928)  
Ubuleo (18693867)  
Skyni (18685571)  
Dakkon (18627652)  
AudioEmu (18613751)  
Nocyn (18575016)  
Boot.E.Krew (18537188)  
Warodo (18529652)  
The Pirates (18511493)  
Ahziz (18511003)  
Rememberance (18458286)  
Baccho (18458031)  
Legend Green (18457367)  
Sargon (18449053)  
CaptainSolo (18446864)  
VoidGoddess (18446532)  
Geeva (18440800)  
Sportello (18440583)  
Killer Rabbits II (18417101)  
Lao Tzu (18414116)  
Jesiki (18411817)
Rinoa (18391559)
Hopey Changey (18386175)
Medius (18375363)
SoulSociety (18374035)
SirSmashing (18369964)
Hawkubu (18365435)
Roven (18356562)
Eyekangal (18347209)
Pimp (18333804)
Tailed Beast EX (18332803)
whitey (18329526)
Master Mind (18314962)
Umberhill (18299502)
The Twins (18296912)
Altsunle (18296414)
For a good cause (18293994)
Grim Reaper (18286196)
Farley Reborn (18284343)
Jokers/minion (18283506)
PokemonGamer (18276936)
Visstar (18275998)