Relation of character PR to Fight Rewards revealed (in General)

The Four Beast (Joel) [Liminal Farm] September 18 2022 2:02 PM EDT

Iメve discovered the link between your characterメs PR and Fight Rewards!
Iメve cracked the code!!!

Itメs relatively simple: keep your characterメs PR as HIGH as possible while farming the highest PR (and Score of course) enemies that you can find! The higher your own PR, the better, with my experimentation finding the bonus to be as high as 75%, and this 75% bonus is applied the same way the Challenge Bonus and Big Exp. Time bonuses are applied ヨ Itメs a HUGE bonus, very noticeable!!!

A much smaller, secondary bonus is applied based on how high the enemy PR is, and a penalty is applied according to how much higher your PR is above your opponentメs PR (AKA the known モfighting downヤ mechanic).

So, in short, fight high PR opponents with as much PR as you can possibly put on your character, and make sure you avoid characters that have significantly lower PR than yourself; this will maximize your Fight Rewards.

As an example of these mechanics in action, take my former character モAnime Protagonistヤ: he can be beaten by a fresh, new NUB character due to me retraining it before I left it for my new NUB. However, you wonメt notice a great increase in Fight Rewards when defeating him unless you stack on millions of PR on your own character (this can easily be done by wearing Ranged and Melee weapons with a high ム+メ count). If you fight "Anime Protagonist" while wearing low PR then youメll only be receiving the comparatively much smaller bonus to Fight Rewards for fighting a high PR character.
So, donメt sap that characterメs Score if you canメt put several million PR on your own character, first. ;)

Big thanks to @Arthebold for inspiring me to do the testing required to find out this juicy info!!!
Check out the CB2 Discord for more info!
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