April Drops 2022 (in Public Record)

MuscleFarm (Joel) April 7 2022 1:36 PM EDT

Delivered to you (view all) (view all non-system)
From: system Sent: 8:09 AM EDT Delivered: 1:33 PM EDT
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Combat Gi [1]. Use it well!

What a nice item for my Birthday!!!!! :D)))))))

Adminedyit [Superheros] April 8 2022 4:11 AM EDT

Happy (belated) Birthday!!

MuscleFarm (Joel) April 8 2022 3:27 PM EDT

Thanks Edyit!!! :D)))))))

Dirty (formerly Xiaz) [Porthcawl] April 10 2022 6:59 AM EDT

I actually got something!

From: system (6:55 AM EDT)
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Ice Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] April 11 2022 3:36 PM EDT

From: system (3:34 PM EDT)
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Set of Chain Mail Leggings [18] (+3). Use it well!

How many years has it been since I saw a drop...

Gohan2 [Porthcawl] April 11 2022 8:58 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 8:26 AM EDT Delivered: 8:26 AM EDT
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Alatar's Gloves [0] (+3). Use it well!

DestraPool [Porthcawl] April 15 2022 9:20 AM EDT

From: system (9:16 AM EDT)
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword

Zinc2nub [Guardian Bros Inc] April 15 2022 9:35 PM EDT

From: system (April 13 11:23 PM EDT)
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mithril Cuirass [36] (+5). Use it well!

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] April 16 2022 2:32 AM EDT

From: system (2:31 AM EDT)
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x1] (+0). Use it well!

Second in five days!

Gohan2 [Porthcawl] April 16 2022 1:50 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 1:49 PM EDT Delivered: 1:49 PM EDT
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x4] (+1). Use it well!

DestraPool [Porthcawl] April 16 2022 2:43 PM EDT

From: system (12:27 PM EDT)
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Elven Boots [10] (+4). Use it well!

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] April 16 2022 2:49 PM EDT

From: system (2:48 PM EDT)
You find a A Pair of Gloves of Mercy [0] (+8). Use it well!


DestraPool [Porthcawl] April 16 2022 4:13 PM EDT

From: system (4:03 PM EDT)
You find a A Rune of Balrog Flame lvl 20. Use it well

2 IN ONE DAY?!?!

Team Avatar [Porthcawl] April 16 2022 6:33 PM EDT

Oh ya day!

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+0). Use it well!

AdminQBVerifex April 17 2022 12:39 AM EDT

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Junction [0] (+10). Use it well!

Team Avatar [Porthcawl] April 17 2022 2:10 PM EDT

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+0). Use it well!

DestraPool [Porthcawl] April 18 2022 11:02 AM EDT

From: system (11:02 AM EDT)
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x1] (+0). Use it well!

MuscleFarm (Joel) April 18 2022 11:04 AM EDT

Delivered to you (view all) (view all non-system)
From: system Sent: 8:02 AM EDT Delivered: 10:34 AM EDT
You find a A Set of Chain Mail Leggings [18] (+6). Use it well!

Found it on the ground lol.

Team Avatar [Porthcawl] April 18 2022 12:05 PM EDT

Woot! A real drop (really Mandos if you never give me another Katana that'll be totally okay!)....

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Displacement Boots [0] (+5). Use it well!

MuscleFarm (Joel) April 18 2022 12:56 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 12:55 PM EDT
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Stiletto [55x1] (+0). Use it well!

Second drop of the day!!!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 18 2022 2:05 PM EDT

From: system (2:03 PM EDT)
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x2] (+6). Use it well!

MuscleFarm (Joel) April 20 2022 4:46 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 4:45 PM EDT
You find a A Rune of Solitude lvl 20. Use it well!

I found a lonely Rune of Solitude on the ground, so I picked it up and gave it some company! :D)))))))

Team Avatar [Porthcawl] April 24 2022 12:32 AM EDT

Another real drop! Maybe my Katana streak has ended...

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Helm of Ecthelion [6]. Use it well!

MuscleFarm (Joel) April 24 2022 10:21 AM EDT

From: system Sent: 3:29 AM EDT Delivered: 8:56 AM EDT
You find a A Mithril Shield [22] (+1). Use it well!

DestraPool [Porthcawl] April 24 2022 3:33 PM EDT

From: system (April 23 1:56 PM EDT)
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x1] (+6). Use it well!

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] April 26 2022 10:49 PM EDT

From: system (10:47 PM EDT)
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Menelvegorian Cape [0] (+2). Use it well!

Ya'll remember when we actually used this thing?

Gohan2 [Porthcawl] April 28 2022 11:56 PM EDT

From: system Sent: 11:56 PM EDT
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mageseeker [5x6] (+4). Use it well!

Gohan2 [Porthcawl] April 29 2022 1:53 PM EDT

From: system (1:52 PM EDT)
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mageseeker [5x4] (+9). Use it well!

Guess I should run a mageseeker build next time...?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 29 2022 8:17 PM EDT

From: system Sent: April 27 10:29 PM EDT
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Hauberk [24] (+8). Use it well!

Completely missed this one......lol

Team Avatar [Porthcawl] April 30 2022 9:28 PM EDT

Back to my normally scheduled drops...

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+0). Use it well!

Team Avatar [Porthcawl] May 1 2022 10:58 AM EDT


Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Rune of Balrog Flame lvl 20. Use it well!
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