CB (in Contests)

Uhtred [Ulfr Skari] July 17 2020 3:08 AM EDT

They say this game can't be done on an app, but just like breaking the speed of sound, anything can be achieved.

Redemption [Axis of Evil] July 17 2020 2:45 PM EDT

I agree. It can be done if someone is dedicated or has the financial resources...

AbominationWorm(Joel) [Abomination of Desolation] July 18 2020 4:21 PM EDT

I know that a single independent Developer could do it, just like Jon before. If there was a way to make a "CB3" without infringing on copyright, but that still kept the spirit of CB alive, then that would be our best bet. It could even be quite the profitable venture! :) :) :)

Uhtred [Ulfr Skari] July 19 2020 12:25 AM EDT

I played here way back in 2006, ended up selling my account, rl issues came up and the community was very strong at that time. People like Ranger were top then. Tried looking the game back up in the early 20 teens and it was down. Glad to see it back up. Jon did add a few things I see, but its just to bad to see it all so dead. I don't blame him on nixing the chat room, people were awful. But there are ways to build a player base without a chat room. I can see getting easily jadded in such an endeavor.

Redemption [Axis of Evil] July 19 2020 1:40 AM EDT

I think the built in chat was not maintained (updates were required but the effort required was not worth it for them.) I know several years ago someone approached them to buyout the game and update it but they rejected the offer and holding on to it as a keepsake. I think they are open to people to develop the game for free but not open to adding an owner.

Uhtred [Ulfr Skari] July 19 2020 3:15 AM EDT

Well my xwife is an a academic in white hat, and I asked her to take a look at the platform. She said this setup was solid, before the axis of Google. LOL.

AbominationWorm(Joel) [Abomination of Desolation] July 19 2020 3:17 AM EDT

With the current pandemic not abating, I wonder if Jon can be cajoled into doing some new things with CB2! He's gotta be pretty bored by now and his free time is probably through the roof! I hope that's the case, anyway, because then we might see some spicy new things happening in CB2! :D)))))

Uhtred [Ulfr Skari] July 19 2020 3:20 AM EDT

I carry no physical or digital treasures, all of my proceeds are in my mind. Just in case ypur wondering

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] July 19 2020 12:12 PM EDT

Would be very easy to update the front end of the site. I can only imagine the headache the back end would be though. Might be better off just starting from scratch with a more modern programming language..

AbominationWorm(Joel) [Abomination of Desolation] July 22 2020 12:57 AM EDT

Perhaps someone can contact Jon and nudge him in this direction? :)

AbominationWorm(Joel) [Abomination of Desolation] July 22 2020 1:35 AM EDT

I know it's been tried before, but maybe his circumstances have changed enough so that he just needs a small amount of convincing and then he'll just come charging back in here to change things up a bit! :D)))))))
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