happy newyear (in General)

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] January 1 2020 6:16 AM EST

happy newyear
lets hope this year someone brings the game back to the living

Adminedyit [Superheros] January 1 2020 7:10 AM EST

Happy New Year everyone!!

SundariZelia [The Knighthood] January 1 2020 11:04 AM EST

Happy New Year!

Salsa[2] [The Z-Fighters] January 1 2020 1:00 PM EST

Happy new year! Let's have a great 2020

DragonBallFan(Joel) [TheYamuchaClub] January 1 2020 3:15 PM EST


Herbstwind [The Knighthood] January 2 2020 5:39 AM EST

little late to the game but: happy new year everyone!
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