Forging. (in Services)

AdminTal Destra January 17 2018 8:49 PM EST

If you would like some forging done send me a PM.

AdminTal Destra January 18 2018 12:06 PM EST

Forging Gohans MoD up to 20k on the x side.

He is paying 70% NW.

He has sent 15m to get me started.

Sir Gohan (Skycon) AdminTal Destra (Database error...) $15000000 -- First forging paymen 11:27 AM EST

Sir Gohan (Skycon) AdminTal Destra (Database error...) Carnwennan ($178431080) -- taking to x20k @ 70% 11:25 AM EST

Sir Gohan January 25 2018 9:52 AM EST

Sir Gohan (Skycon) AdminTal Destra (Database error...) $10000000 -- Forging fees 9:50 AM EST

Sent over another 10m for forging fees. That makes 25m total out of the 53.3m that I owe for the whole project.

AdminTal Destra January 25 2018 11:33 AM EST


Carnwennan [75x11579] (+200) 183,328,835

AdminTal Destra January 31 2018 10:42 PM EST

Carnwennan [75x11913] (+200) 186,154,141

AdminTal Destra February 7 2018 9:01 PM EST

Carnwennan [75x12129] (+200) 187,981,285

Sir Gohan February 7 2018 9:05 PM EST

Thanks Tal! Nice work

AdminTal Destra February 18 2018 4:30 PM EST

Carnwennan [75x12456] (+200) 190,747,378

AdminTal Destra February 28 2018 4:16 PM EST

Carnwennan [75x12655] (+200) 192,430,719

AdminTal Destra March 3 2018 12:05 PM EST

Carnwennan [75x12820] (+200) 193,826,454
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