Database error (in General)

Old man Poppy December 31 2017 4:52 PM EST

Trying to equip my last few items to see if I can top 22m pr but I get this.

The database rejected the transaction. Most likely you double-clicked on the Assign link. If this is the case, your assignments were made correctly.

You think its because there is too much of a difference between my mpr and pr?
Current pr is 21,885,514
Current mpr is 12,854,51
I know its not a nw problem as I'm only at 1.56B
What I'm trying to equip is only 22m nw and adds about 46K pr.

Anyone any ideas?

AdminTal Destra December 31 2017 5:06 PM EST

what are you trying to equip to which minion

Old man Poppy December 31 2017 10:50 PM EST

I've tried a lot of different combinations but a ms+64 on uuyu

AdminTal Destra January 2 2018 8:45 PM EST

apparently i can't get to the bottom of this issue... i wish a NightStrike were here.
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