Does anyone do forging services anymore (in Services)

FireMedic November 6 2017 5:55 PM EST

Hey all, I remember from back when I played before that players use to offer forging services Does anyone still do that. As I want to keep increasing some of my gear but it doesn't make sence for me to forge on a nub act. If any of you do CM me and lets see if we cant work something out that's cheaper than the blacksmith he is not so nice lol

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] November 6 2017 7:16 PM EST

I feel like unlimited nubs really killed any type of forging..

FireMedic November 6 2017 7:53 PM EST

that's kind of what I figured but I figured that I would put it out there. I guess the blacksmith is going to be getting quite a bit of money from me

AdminTal Destra November 6 2017 9:37 PM EST

If I were more consistently active I might take on some forging jobs just to spend my BA that never goes anywhere.

FireMedic November 6 2017 10:26 PM EST

well tal if your ever interested hit me up ill give you some work and to start with it would probably be some easy work

Adminedyit [Superheros] November 7 2017 7:08 AM EST

"I feel like unlimited nubs really killed any type of forging.."

i feel that an ever dwindling playerbase and little to no dev support played a bigger role in that than the unlimited NUB.
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