Greetings (in General)

I was Dignifried Bean July 10 2017 10:08 PM EDT

I am back for another binge on the game. Lookout leader board.
To quote a wise man
<i>They should rename this game "Hotel California"
because you can never leave.
I know; I have tried.</i>
--Dignifried Bean, November 12th, 2008

Old man Poppy July 11 2017 1:52 AM EDT

Hey welcome back!

Sniper Honeyviper [HelperOfJoel] July 11 2017 1:57 AM EDT

Welcome back! I've seen your characters a bunch of times while fight up through the ranks!! Glad to have you back!!!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 11 2017 7:29 PM EDT

Welcome Home!
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