Boots of Fortitude Bonus Question (in General)

Redemption [Axis of Evil] February 3 2017 3:36 PM EST

I put my enchanter in front with Boots of Fortitude equipped. Can someone explain what I need to do so I can get the strength bonus? It should be .5 for every + added. I thought maybe the bonus was not showing until post battle stats but no bonus.

Appreciate the help!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 3 2017 4:47 PM EST

I'm half guessing, but I could swear those bonuses aren't visible

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] February 3 2017 6:36 PM EST

The bonus for leadership is not shown. It is something that is tacked on each attack so unless you saw the str you had for each individual attack you would never see it.

miteke [Superheros] February 3 2017 8:23 PM EST

Very annoying but true. The bonus is not shown. I sure wish it would because it affects things like the archery skill (which has to keep up with strength) and it's really hard to know how much to train it when the strength is unknown.
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