Ancient newbie (in New players)

RIPsalt3d November 3 2016 11:21 PM EDT

Hi all.

Recently I thought of this game for the first time in a long time, and I've quite enjoyed playing it again. But it is clear that the NCB won't be enough for me to compete at any significant level, given my character's net worth was already behind the curve several years ago.

So having got over the attachment I had to my account's creation date (and three digit user ID), I decided to go full NUB. But before I do, can anyone advise whether it is possible to rename this account first, then create the new account with this account's 'old' name? Because if it won't work for some reason, I'd prefer to leave this account un-renamed (maybe I'm not entirely over that attachment).

Belome(Joel) November 4 2016 10:08 AM EDT

Go to Settings and click on Update your profile, and on the next page you can change your name. :)

Belome(Joel) November 4 2016 10:09 AM EDT

Update for Basic Information, I mean.

RIPsalt3d November 4 2016 6:20 PM EDT

I'm aware of how to change my account name. My question was regarding whether an account name becomes available (to a new account) immediately once it is no longer in use (by an old account), or if there is some kind of waiting period, or if it is forever off limits.

It's all largely irrelevant now, as I've shed the last of my attachment and I'll just choose a new name if I have to.
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