Another milestone (in General)

ThunderHyde August 27 2016 9:08 AM EDT

PR / MPR : 2,886,575 / 2,000,370


miteke [Superheros] August 27 2016 9:56 AM EDT

yea! how long did it take you?

ThunderHyde August 27 2016 11:02 AM EDT

A bit less than 2 months.

SaucyJack [Forge Masters] August 27 2016 3:36 PM EDT


ThunderHyde September 26 2016 11:29 AM EDT

PR / MPR : 4,794,643 / 3,000,378


Adminedyit [Superheros] September 27 2016 4:40 AM EDT

This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=003MLn&msg_id=003MLn">Another milestone</a>