Any Canadians here? (in Off-topic)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 30 2014 11:39 AM EDT

Thought I would ask.

I have been involved in the mortgage, investment and insurance business for the last few years.

I work out of Ontario, Canada. I can do mortgages anywhere in Canada, but investments/insurance you have to live in Ontario.

If you need something, or know anyone that does send me a message :)

My average case is hovering around $11,000 saved a year for a family with a debt consolidation.

If you have any questions ask too, I love giving out information!

AdminTal Destra October 30 2014 11:42 AM EDT

I'm currently in closing on a house here in texas, is there (that you know of) a law that states they have to have electrical coded and grounded before selling?

If not then I get to rewire the house myself, yay, and don't really want to do it.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 30 2014 11:46 AM EDT

I'm not too well versed on American law.

In Canada, if you go firm on a sale and didn't have a clause (or waived a clause) stating that all electrical/flooring/fire is up to code at the cost of the seller then you are out of luck.

Usually a home inspection will determine if that clause should be waived or not.

We bought an investment property in Ontario where we uncovered shoddy electrical and made the seller pay to fix it out of pocket, but they agreed to our initial clauses prior to the sale.

Not sure if that helps at all :D

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] October 30 2014 12:13 PM EDT

Cool I didn't know you were Canadian. I am in Toronto, don't think I will ever be able to afford to own a place :(

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 30 2014 12:29 PM EDT

Much like the smoker that is healthy up until their cancer diagnoses, no one can afford a place until they actually buy one.

I have quite a few clients in Toronto, right around the University and Wellington area. Let me buy you lunch some time over the next month and see if there is any opportunity in your situation to set you on the path. Hell, even if I could put some extra $$$ in your pocket over the next couple of years it would be worth it :D

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] October 30 2014 1:07 PM EDT

I am pretty young (27), which might be why my outlook looks grim haha. I am also totally against living in or owning a condo, which seems like the only place I could afford.

AdminTal Destra October 30 2014 1:41 PM EDT

i turn 30 in January and just bought a house... idk why you say 27 is too young. i also have 3 kids and one due tomorrow... as well as a kickass job

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 30 2014 2:00 PM EDT

I am 28 and just bought my 3rd place not too long ago. Age is only a number when it comes to money :)

Worst case scenario is you get a free lunch. I will CM you my cell number and you can text me if you are interested.

Untouchable October 30 2014 6:01 PM EDT

@Tal lucky, i wish i had a good job and my own place. im 21 and thats like my dream goals

AdminTal Destra October 30 2014 6:02 PM EDT

oilfield pays pretty good to smart people, just gotta work your butt off before hand and show them why you deserve it

Untouchable October 30 2014 8:04 PM EDT

thats so easier said than done haha
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