$2m Contest (in Contests)

AdminTal Destra October 27 2014 6:04 PM EDT

Prize for this contest is $2,000,000 CBD

Make me a short story using no more than 30 botchecks


Untouchable October 28 2014 1:55 AM EDT

do we have to use the actual picture of the Botcheck?

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] October 28 2014 4:32 AM EDT

If we don't have to use the pictures then wouldn't we have access to almost all 3-4 letter words?

Also, how would it be read? Just the top word, both top/bot, player chooses?

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 28 2014 12:04 PM EDT

City folk made cat tire work. Cat tire went down into some mess. Now, cat tire went flat for some city folk. Cat tire was sad, but not mad. Cat tire knew one day war was true with city folk. City folk had guns and ammo, but cat tire had meow. Alas, cat tire had won that day.

AdminTal Destra October 28 2014 3:25 PM EDT

I apologize, yes use pictures, both words can be used independently, just have to have them showing, you can link a photo bucket for them if you want

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 28 2014 7:45 PM EDT

Bummer, I don't have the pictures for all of those ones :D

{CB1}Bio November 4 2014 9:03 PM EST

Let me tell you a short story about my dad. He always was a weird one...during the summers he would make us play this game that would "put hair on our chests" and "make a man out of us yet." My sister always took offense. was always my least favorite. He would never let us play during the day, only in the morning when the and the fell strangely. The timing fit well...the game was just as strange. The forums make me censor my words so I will just explain it this way: Dad calls it " " and I that all children, women, elderly men and intelligent primates who are squeamish need not read the next line. The game was to go downtown and watch their own bums. Terribly ironic and terribly disgusting.

AdminTal Destra November 4 2014 9:23 PM EST

I like that.

+1 for comedic stylings

AdminTal Destra November 13 2014 8:16 AM EST

I'm going to let this run until the 21st (one week from tomorrow). Better get your entries in!
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