Rentals? (in General)

AdminTal Destra August 24 2014 4:13 PM EDT

I remember doing Nightstrikes rentals for him. I am now offering to rent things for other people.

send me a list of items and ill tell you what you could potentially earn

AdminTal Destra August 24 2014 4:25 PM EDT

Also, I still have the google document showing what of his I put in rentals and how much it made… it may not do that well now but back then it was making NS about 4m a month

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] August 24 2014 10:12 PM EDT

Merry Christmas everyone. (Check the rentals)

Untouchable August 24 2014 10:50 PM EDT

rentals are full!

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] August 24 2014 11:14 PM EDT

Every time I have tried to setup rentals for my items, it would never be worth. Either the items wouldn't be rented out enough to earn back the money or the money generated through the rentals was so insignificant that it wasn't worth my time setting it all up.

Maybe if someone created a program that allowed me to easily set up prices for all my rentals. Then with a click of a button and it would rent all the items out automatically. It would also keep the prices in memory so with minor adjustments, you could re-rent out the items every month easily.

I'd probably write such a thing if the game had more than 40 people playing x).

AdminTal Destra August 24 2014 11:37 PM EDT

Hey EoD, that would be a nice thing to have.

I'm not going to write it unless it can be implemented server side, that and the small audience it would receive.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] August 25 2014 9:39 PM EDT

I just set them up and every time I approved one I hit back on my browser twice and just clicked the next one and repeated the process. Took like 2 minutes lol.

AdminTal Destra August 25 2014 9:42 PM EDT

Yeah but not very creative on the price and I'm too poor

Incredible Hulk August 25 2014 11:26 PM EDT

Yeah, they're all the same price! That's why it took only 2 minutes, lol.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] August 25 2014 11:50 PM EDT

*shrugs* I didn't say I wasn't being lazy about it.
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