Elven Hauberk and Mage Shield (in General)

Lxy July 31 2014 10:20 PM EDT

Is it possible to equip the Elven Hauberk along with a Rune? It doesn't say anywhere in the wiki that it's impossible; I'm wondering if the omission is a mistake.

Can anyone supply a list of what spells can be cast with a Mage Shield equipped? I don't understand the wiki's description of "except for spells that still function at a zero skill level" (http://www.carnageblender.com/wiki/page.tcl?name=Mage+Shield#0).

Newlin [SeeD] July 31 2014 10:26 PM EDT

Is it possible to equip the Elven Hauberk along with a Rune?

Not on the same minion but on the same character - the rune takees up the body armor and cloak slot.

Can anyone supply a list of what spells can be cast with a Mage Shield equipped?

Decay is the only notable one.

Lxy July 31 2014 10:45 PM EDT

Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 1 2014 4:06 AM EDT

I believe the MgS works with a 0 lvl decay. The other spells that work at 0 lvl are not very noticeable. The other main notable thing is that I believe the RoS works with the MgS as well.

Lxy August 1 2014 5:19 AM EDT

"The other main notable thing is that I believe the RoS works with the MgS as well."

What do you mean by this?

Are you implying that the RoS's Enchant Defense spells bonus is added /after/ the MgS reduces its wearer's trained spells to level zero?

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 1 2014 8:59 AM EDT


Lxy August 1 2014 9:28 AM EDT

This is valuable information. Thanks!

Newlin [SeeD] August 1 2014 9:33 AM EDT

I was under the impression the MgS nullified the RoS granted ED. I'd test but I don't have one on hand.

Lxy August 1 2014 9:52 AM EDT

Well, I sure hope someone with both items will be inspired to test the combo and report their findings.

Newlin [SeeD] August 1 2014 8:40 PM EDT

No need, Nat is correct.


Lxy August 1 2014 8:50 PM EDT

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