June 17 2014 2:08 PM EDT
Hey, everyone. Doing my quests and just got around to introducing myself. Game seems like a pretty fun numbers game, so here I am!
I really like RPG games most, so I think I'll get along good here.
By the way, my name is Zach :)
June 17 2014 5:39 PM EDT
Hey Zach, welcome to our humble abode! If you need any help or have any questions just post in the forums and we can help you out.
June 17 2014 10:17 PM EDT
I do have a quick question. I just finished the last of those task things on my home page, and I swear it said 'more would appear when the first set was done'... but I can't find anymore!
Where would they be?
June 17 2014 10:44 PM EDT
The devious game is lying to you - I'm pretty sure there aren't anymore. I could be mistaken thought, it has been awhile since I traversed through the tutorial.
Welcome to CB Zach. I don't believe there are any additional quests if you have completed all of the ones there. The main thing to do after is to join a clan and learn the ins and outs from other players. It tends to go a lot better that way.
Hey, welcome to the game! I sent you a welcoming present :)
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