League of Legend players! (Curse voice giveaway!) (in Off-topic)

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] April 30 2014 5:31 PM EDT

I have free curse voice beta keys! If you still need a key, or even just need one for a friend message me or post here.

Also I'm looking for duo partners. So hit me up if you want to play.

Newlin [SeeD] April 30 2014 7:21 PM EDT

Hmm, I haven't played League in quite a while - the community is less than desirable.

How does this newfangled curse voice mode work? I may need to make a return.

Achertontus [Sneezels] May 1 2014 12:51 PM EDT

Because of the oo so nice community I only play ARAM. And lately even there there's a lot of jerking and ranting going on for no reason but to be a jerk. Awesome game, sad community. :(
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