SeeD Recruiting (in General)

Newlin [SeeD] September 12 2013 7:51 PM EDT

The max VPR you can accept is 194,202,519.

Another member and we could easily be in the #1 spot; will that member be you?

Newlin [SeeD] September 13 2013 11:06 AM EDT

From now until Sunday night join SeeD and I will reimburse your fee for joining the clan!

[Unrivaled]Twist Of Fate [SeeD] September 21 2013 2:34 PM EDT

Still plenty of room and we are one of the top contenders. Worth another member or 2 we could probably dominate fairly easily ;)

Newlin [SeeD] September 30 2013 9:27 PM EDT

Still a spot or two left. Usually in the top 2 or 3 at any given time.

The max VPR you can accept is 71,487,661.
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