My equipment (in General)

Dudster4 September 11 2013 10:45 PM EDT

Lol I clicked my equip page for the first time a few days ago and my list was just huge!  photo drops_zps658d3f0e.png

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] September 11 2013 11:27 PM EDT think that is huge? You should see mine xD

Achertontus [Sneezels] September 12 2013 3:50 AM EDT

How do you get so much equipment there? Mine always says: you cannot have more than 10 unequipped items (or something like that)? Its really annoying, thats why i have 3 characters to store all the not used equipment.

[Unrivaled]Twist Of Fate [SeeD] September 12 2013 8:05 AM EDT

Lmao. Yay for the fact that drips don't count towards the 10 unequipped limit ;)

[Unrivaled]Twist Of Fate [SeeD] September 12 2013 8:05 AM EDT

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