Vacation Time (in Public Record)

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 20 2013 11:25 AM EDT

In case anyone hasn't realized I haven't been around for the past week, I've been on vacation. I'll be returning home on the 28th. When/if I get a chance I'll check through any public records involving me and update them.

I'm currently visiting my girlfriend Kirsti (some of you may remember her playing for a little while) while her father has been going through surgery. He had to have a triple bypass done, but they were only able to do a double and there have been many complications along the way. Needless to say the past few weeks have been extremely rough for her, her family and myself included.

Feel free to shoot me an email at if you need to get in touch with me for anything and I'm unresponsive here

Unappreciated Misnomer July 20 2013 12:11 PM EDT

Well I hope you have some time for relaxing and fun while on vacation Xeno!
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