Transfer and gifts. (in Public Record)

Thug [Sponge] May 12 2013 4:35 PM EDT

some of this I put in general forums
these are gifts to go with character.

hug (temp storage) ThatOneMan (Natural Disaster) An Amulet of AC ($130354) -- A few gifts 4:31 PM EDT
Thug (temp storage) ThatOneMan (Natural Disaster) A Mithril Chain Mail ($106433) -- A few gifts 4:31 PM EDT
Thug (temp storage) ThatOneMan (Natural Disaster) A Cloak of the Istari ($321123) -- A few gifts 4:31 PM EDT
Thug (temp storage) ThatOneMan (Natural Disaster) A Pair of Spellboosters ($63892) -- A few gifts 4:31 PM EDT
Thug (temp storage) ThatOneMan (Natural Disaster) A Pair of Alatar's Gloves ($809692) -- A few gifts 4:31 PM EDT
Thug (temp storage) ThatOneMan (Natural Disaster) A Shield of Capacity ($353914) -- A few gifts 4:31 PM EDT
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