can weapon rentals be used in the salvage yard? (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer May 6 2013 3:31 PM EDT


i am thinking no.

Demigod May 6 2013 5:57 PM EDT

I dearly hope not, but there's an easy way to find out. :)

AdminNightStrike May 6 2013 8:35 PM EDT

If it can happen, please let me know. It's a bug.

Also, China's dirty :(

Unappreciated Misnomer May 6 2013 8:39 PM EDT

Would it not be a good mechanism to cb if a weapon rented and salvaged would then convert back to the original once a rental is completed.

AdminNightStrike May 6 2013 8:49 PM EDT

No, that's ripe for exploit, I'd imagine. You can try to convince me otherwise, though.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] May 6 2013 9:04 PM EDT

No it does not, I've tried it. lol.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] May 6 2013 9:05 PM EDT

it does not = they can not*

Unappreciated Misnomer May 6 2013 9:08 PM EDT

Ok how can it be exploited? Where can there be a gain without work?

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] May 6 2013 9:16 PM EDT

Rent any high level weapon and swap it for whatever one you need? Ripe for abuse. There are multiple factors involved as to why, most of them having to do with the weapon conversion rate for the x and +.

Sickone May 7 2013 5:19 PM EDT

I'm not sure about this, but Xeno, isn't the revert a free action on the salvage yard anyway, so, basically, wouldn't that be on the same level of exploitability as what we already have ?

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] May 7 2013 7:18 PM EDT

Nope you can't revert things anymore, also when salvaging one weapon to another, then salvaging again back to the same weapon, you lose a bit of NW.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] May 8 2013 9:51 AM EDT

But if the system simply reverted it back to its old state, you wouldn't lose any NW.

I don't see how this could be exploited but at the same time I don't see much of a benefit for it.

Viole May 8 2013 10:09 AM EDT

It's at least useful for newer players who have to settle for lower challenge bonuses because they're waiting for items to appear in rentals or searching for people to pester for loans.

Also, the competition stemming from the fact that all equipments of a category are essentially the same given that one has a base in hand will lower rental costs, again to my benefit. -cough-
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