Question #6 (in Off-topic)

QBPixel Sage April 23 2013 2:39 PM EDT

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Question 6: If you could take a one-month trip anywhere in the world and money were not a consideration, where would you go and what would you do?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] April 23 2013 2:58 PM EDT

Three choices.

1: Vegas.

What would I do? Gamble and spend all that money.

2: Some open nature reserve somewhere.

I'd spend time getting as close as posible to all the animal species I'd otherwise never have the chance. Including swimming with whales/dolphins.

3: Shao-lin Monastery

I'd spend all day of every day of that month learning Kung-fu!

QBPixel Sage April 23 2013 3:04 PM EDT

I'm actually not sure if your first option is valid, since going to gamble is technically taking money into consideration in some form =P

Neo Japan April 23 2013 4:34 PM EDT

Japan - walk around, eat food, buy crazy gadgets, play weird video games, try out the "hotels"(every night), Meet the love of my life.

cube.the April 23 2013 4:41 PM EDT

Sappy - Ireland

My wife has always wanted to go and has never been able to. We'd go on a few day-long horse rides and stay at rustic inns. The culmination of the trip would occur in Dublin. Since I love history we'd tour some of the more historical, aged buildings in the city.

Unappreciated Misnomer April 23 2013 6:26 PM EDT

europe with a rail pass. sleep on the train between adventures

Sickone April 23 2013 7:04 PM EDT

Here :

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 26 2013 2:54 PM EDT

To the deepest part of any Ocean.

Demigod April 26 2013 4:48 PM EDT

Eastern Europe. I've been across Western Europe, but I regret not going beyond the Czech Republic.
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