Attention Admins: Invisible Botchecks (in General)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 28 2013 10:21 PM EDT

I am seriously getting tired of these damned invisible Botchecks! So far I have shelled out about 160k on these things. Now yes I do have cash but for something I never saw in the first place?...No! Can we PLEASE get this issue resolved?

Also will someone please add "Botcheck" to to dictionary grrrrrrrr!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 1 2013 10:33 PM EDT

And another one.....what the hell?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 2 2013 3:30 AM EDT

To make this more clear on the issue. On my phone I will fight for a while and everything is good. I finish fighting for a bit and refresh. I go back to it later and I get one of two things:

1) a Botcheck screen and I fill it out but it says I didn't have a challenge in the system and then go to fight again and find I was suspended for and hour.

2) I go to fight and automatically have a suspended screen saying I missed "X" Botcheck.

In both instances it adds up to the same thing a freaking invisible botcheck.

Can we PLEASE with sugar and a cherry on top get "Botcheck" added to the dictionary?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

Dudster4 April 2 2013 8:04 AM EDT

I get this too, usually it's because I am half asleep burning BA and see the last guy on my list and hit fight then turn the screen off. Then when I finally drag myself out of bed to burn some more I see i'm suspended.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] April 2 2013 10:25 AM EDT

CB has never really been optimized for phones, that being said play at your own risk.

I've had this happen to me once or twice also but it's always been my fault. A case of not noticing on that last fight that I had a bot check and coming back later to a suspension.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 2 2013 2:25 PM EDT

I know about this stuff and have done what Is necessary to avoid it. My issue is that it's happening more and more often. I have not had this issue until recently so something is up is what I am saying.

Fishead April 2 2013 8:41 PM EDT

90% of the time I play CB, I'm on my phone. I've never had a problem like this. Maybe we should find out if others are having the same problem so we can figure out if it is CB or your phone.

What phone/browser/carrier are you on? I use a Droid 4, the default browser, on Verizon.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 2 2013 8:54 PM EDT

Droid RAZR HD, Dolphin Browser and this didn't start happening until recently. I have had the phone for a while and I play CB about 80-90% of the time on my phone.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] April 2 2013 11:55 PM EDT

this didn't start happening until recently.

Have we had any cb changes that could be this though?

QBRanger April 3 2013 12:14 AM EDT

Try a different browser? Is you phone able to use safari or Chrome?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 3 2013 2:48 AM EDT

Android Phone it auto uses Chrome. I have used Opera and Mozilla as well. I tend to have an easier time using the Dolphin Browser though. It has more features and has better user friendly settings.

AdminG Beee April 3 2013 3:26 PM EDT

Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck Botcheck

Spellcheck pass :p

Demigod April 4 2013 9:12 PM EDT

Hmm. It seems Zen's not alone. I use the mobile page on my Android phone, and while I've never had a prior issue, there's now a critical fault with bot checks.

In my case, they're not invisible. The checks appear, but the site never uploads my answers. Regardless of whether I click "Go" or submit the responses with the keypad, the page just sits there.

I noticed the problem last week when Zen made the complaint, but I just assumed my issue was a personal fluke. A week later, and it's still present.

For clarity, this is alpha-build of the mobile site, and it's the default Android browser.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 20 2013 12:26 PM EDT

And they start striking again >.<

Bounty Hunter April 20 2013 1:09 PM EDT

Just a point but I play using iPhone 4 and have not had this problem.

Demigod April 20 2013 2:27 PM EDT

I mentioned it in another thread, but my specific problem went away after one week. I'm not sure if it was anomalous to me or if was a temporary site issue, but it hasn't happened since.
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