Bugged? (in General)

Achertontus [Sneezels] December 2 2012 5:13 AM EST

Since 5min ago i dont get any clan points when fighting other clanmembers, also there is no % bonus for being ranked at the top?
Anyone knows whats going on?

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] December 2 2012 5:22 AM EST

There is no clans on Sundays.

Adminedyit [Superheros] December 2 2012 6:06 AM EST

there is no clan bonus on sundays. clans however are still here.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] December 2 2012 6:10 AM EST

I guess clan activities, since you don't get points either.

Achertontus [Sneezels] December 2 2012 12:36 PM EST

oh ok, i didnt know that.
And what is the reason for that?

Bounty Hunter December 2 2012 12:48 PM EST

In the beginning... when Jon created Carnage Blender... and on the seventh day he rested. ;)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 2 2012 2:09 PM EST

Jon figured that there should be one day a week that players get to take it easy. He picked Sunday for religious reasons and it has been that way since.

Achertontus [Sneezels] December 2 2012 4:50 PM EST

I see. Makes sense, takes away the pressure indeed ;)

RavePunkRobo December 2 2012 7:31 PM EST

This totally got me the first time too lol. I thought my clan was glitches and then ended up leaving it before I read what happened on the wiki :P

laz [Brew Crew Forging Service] December 2 2012 9:18 PM EST

yes take away the bonuses leave the work in place, makes perfect sense :)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 2 2012 9:35 PM EST

Thing is you don't have to do the work and taking away the incentives to do it in the first place just makes it easier to take a day off.

laz [Brew Crew Forging Service] December 3 2012 12:17 AM EST

you don't have to do it any day :)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 3 2012 1:11 AM EST

ahhh then why complain there are no incentives one day a week then?

Aswer: It is moot.
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