EoD/TheNatural (in Public Record)

TheNatural November 28 2012 2:46 PM EST

$6mil for a lvl 1.7m RoS

$2mil down payment already sent leaves $4mil owing.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] November 29 2012 10:50 AM EST

Sounds good.

TheNatural December 3 2012 6:36 PM EST

TheNatural (Army of Darkness) Eliteofdelete (The Immortals) $1000000 6:35 PM EST

Still owe $3mil

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 4 2012 6:42 PM EST

Marlfox (Haze) Eliteofdelete (The Immortals) $3000000 -- for TheNatural 6:42 PM EST

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] December 4 2012 9:59 PM EST

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