Mikel/EOD (in Public Record)

Mikel [Bring it] November 4 2012 1:36 AM EDT

Paid in full to King. Please make sure to update the amount owed to King. Mikel/EoD Mikel (King of Pain) King (Kings Vault 2) $664000 -- For EOD 1:33 AM EDT Here's the last active link I could find for the EOD/King debt. King/EoD

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] November 4 2012 2:08 PM EST

This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=003JuV&msg_id=003JuV">Mikel/EOD</a>