Current score and rewards (in General)

Duke September 8 2012 2:35 PM EDT

I am sure everyone have notice that score are at a all time low and please to try to argue on this. Getting bonus of 25% or more have become almost impossible for most char (99.9%) there score are on par with there PR. In CB2 there been a part where getting 100% bonus was easy and allow NCB/NUB to catch up. With current score getting to the top is becoming impossible.

Today during exp time its just reach a new high i loss money (-3) with a draw. I even saw a rewards of 11$ with a win that lower that healing cost.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 8 2012 2:37 PM EDT

This is all due to available targets my friend. I have already given NS and crew a suggestion on how to help with it but it is completely up to them whether they like and implement it.

Duke September 8 2012 2:39 PM EDT

First solving the tourney score bug will be something with every tourney overall score goes down if not just no longer run any tourney.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] September 8 2012 2:58 PM EDT

you forget, you could have found an elven stiletto :P

Unappreciated Misnomer September 8 2012 2:59 PM EDT

I find my challenge bonus rises when my targets have an increased score. A few hundred thousand in score is only a few points.
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