forger required to add 4M nw to mageseeker X (in Services)

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 21 2012 1:56 PM EDT

title says it all really, cm me price.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 21 2012 2:05 PM EDT


SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 21 2012 8:15 PM EDT

just for record its nw is currently 6516554 adding 4 mill nw to that =P

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 21 2012 8:32 PM EDT


SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 27 2012 7:52 PM EDT

Current nw is 10040054 loan ends tomorrow...in2 full ba cycles should be done and sent back

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 28 2012 7:01 PM EDT

100535954 is current total and will send due is 2800000 @ 70% went a bit over but that was to complete ba cycle so not going to charge that extra few grand for sake of easier numbers lol.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 28 2012 7:29 PM EDT

sent, thanks
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