T86: Exbow vs ELB (in Contests)

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 17 2012 6:21 AM EDT

This is a 2 team tourney that has a secondary effect of being a testing grounds in order to allow people to find the changes made to the ex/axbow.

There will be 2 factions, the ELB faction and the Exbow faction. You can start signing up for the team you want to fight on right now, though the teams will be forcibly balanced and evened in number if it is needed at the start of the tourney.

Rules are as such:

Exbow team is only allowed to use Exbows as a ranged weapon. The hal is not allowed for the exbow team. The JKF is allowed for the exbow team.

ELB team is only allowed to use ELB for ranged, the hal is allowed. The JKF is not allowed for the ELB team. No use of DD or GA

All armor and melee weapons are allowed to both teams.

Players are allowed to fight anyone as the tourney base is too small to require only other team hits. However losses will now count against the team's win count. Therefor hitting your own team member will grant a net gain of 0 and hitting the other team will give a net gain of 2.

The tourney will last for 1 week.

The winning side will be chosen by the highest cumulative wins of each side.

Winning faction:
500k to each member provided they have over 500 wins.
Losing Faction:
100k to each member provided they have over 500 wins.

Tourney shall restart on Wednesday July 25 at 12 pm server time and end August 1 at 12 pm server time.

Hope you have fun.

Quyen July 17 2012 6:47 AM EDT

me in ELB :D
any thoughts on the ratios?

Sickone July 17 2012 8:27 AM EDT

Will DBs and/or AoIs be provided/allowed, or is it an evasion-only thing (and any limits to the XP that can go in it) ?
What about TSAs or other rares ?
Any tattoos at all (non DD ones) or no tattoos whatsoever ?
Any minion count setup disallowed or anything goes from solo to 4-minion team ?
Is there an EXbow/ELbow count limit per team or can we give any minion one ? Any other ranged weapons allowed ? Can somebody in the EXBow team use an ELBow or vice-versa or are they limited to those only ?
Melee weapons allowed or not ? Any rules on min/max/ratio of NW on melee weapon vs EXbow and/or ELbow ? UC ? Min/max allowed XP in it ?

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 17 2012 8:32 AM EDT

All armor and melee weapons will be available. The only ranged weapons available will be ELB and exbow. You are required to have a least either an Exbow or an ELB and which one depends on the team you are in. Yes you are required to us only the proper one for your team but you can have as many as you like.

Non DD tattoos will be available.

Sickone July 17 2012 8:35 AM EDT

Starting cash ? Starting XP ? Starting bonus items ? Starting BA ? BA cap ? Tourney XP/gold bonus value ?
Penalties for collusion and/or intentionally crippling own char ? How do intentional or unintentional resets or abandons count towards wins for you and people you fought if even allowed at all ? Any other anti-gamesmanship rules ?

TH3 C0113CT0R July 17 2012 8:42 AM EDT

exbow side.. im sick of loosing these things..

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 17 2012 8:48 AM EDT

No ba cap, all the rest you will see at the start of the tourney.

Any broken rules or bad conduct that is intentional gimping will result in a 500 win penalty allotted the player's total and the team total for each infraction.

Mikel [Bring it] July 17 2012 8:58 AM EDT

Elb team

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 17 2012 9:20 AM EDT

I would so totally do this, but i go back to Uni that way :(. Have fun, may the best team win! (go ELB!)

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 17 2012 12:33 PM EDT

I will be on which ever needs more people :)

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 17 2012 12:48 PM EDT

I'll go team elb

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 17 2012 1:03 PM EDT

Unfortunately I will be on the road to my new home in Colorado when this thing starts :(

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] July 17 2012 5:18 PM EDT

Ill be the bad guy and go ExBow :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 17 2012 5:29 PM EDT

EXBow + RoBF FTW? ;)

Fishead July 17 2012 5:47 PM EDT

I'd be in for this, if I wasn't camping next week :(

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] July 17 2012 6:31 PM EDT

I didnt think there was camping on cb ;)

Unappreciated Misnomer July 17 2012 6:38 PM EDT

ill in with both feet, ill see what the exbow has for changes.

Sickone July 17 2012 7:39 PM EDT

EXBow + RoBF FTW? ;)

While technically not a DD tattoo, I'm suspecting it will soon be deemed illegal and be withdrawn from the list of available tattoos :p

Sickone July 17 2012 9:44 PM EDT

You should at least post the "growth rate" of the tourney before team selection, allow discussions about it, maybe change its rate depending on feedback from users.
The EXbow is pretty weak until it has a decent X built up on it, but then it quickly becomes overpowered, so the growth rate is CRUCIAL for this : too low, and you can be sure the ELBows will win (not nearly enough time to bring the EXbows to high enough X levels), too high and you can be sure the EXbows will win (if the transition from under- to over-powered happens very early).
I'm thinking an ideal rate would be something that would allow people to get a x3000 +100 EXbow near the end of day 4.

Joel July 17 2012 10:46 PM EDT

I'll choose the Exbow team. Gotta get to know this new face of an old enemy! I don't plan to win - just figure out as much as possible about the new exbow! Gotta figure out how to nullify this new exbow.. I hope it will be easier, than before, to negate its effectiveness! Maybe I won't even need to change to an Axbow, sometime in the future, to become immune to the Exbow ^.^

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 18 2012 1:37 AM EDT

"EXBow + RoBF FTW? ;)"

Psh, why even do that?

Just go full EC + RoBF and win which ever team you are on ;D

Sickone July 18 2012 7:03 AM EDT

Can we get a definitive ruling on whether RoBF is allowed or not ?
I hope it's not.

Quyen July 18 2012 7:49 AM EDT

Scumbag EoD winning all tourneys xD

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 18 2012 8:04 AM EDT

It's not. It's a form of non physical damage.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 18 2012 10:15 AM EDT

If you are going to have an Archery Tourney any Magical Damage should not be allowed.

This should include GA and RoBF Damage, they may be unique but that is ONLY in the code. By their descriptive definitions they are magically based.

A "Rune" is a magical inscription and note that is gives Fire Damage as well as protects Magically against fire.

Guardian Angel is an "Enchantment" thus making it Magical by it's very nature.

Furthermore I think it silly to have an Archery Tournament without ALL of the Ranged Weapons. The ExBow's changes should be tested against all of the ranged weapons to see how it fairs.

Not to mentioned the Chakram has yet to be "Top or even Mid End" Tested since it was lessened to make it easier to spawn in the BM. Because of that it is not available in the SY. Hence no testing. The "Perfect" opportunity is now.

Just my opinion.......

Sickone July 18 2012 11:54 AM EDT

It's a form of non physical damage.

Other forms of non-weapon damage were removed (DD, GA) so it makes more sense to also remove the RoBF also. Heck, maybe even the SoC too.

Or, alternatively, Zenai sort of has a point, but I'd push that even further... maybe this should be an "EXbow with no other ranged weapon allowed but everything else goes VS pure physical damage dealing teams with no other forms of damage" tournament.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 18 2012 12:26 PM EDT

Well to build upon what Sickone is presenting even though they work similar the AxBow should also be a part of this testing.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 18 2012 11:39 PM EDT

Current Teams:


TH3 C0113CT0R
Painted Death

To be assigned by me:

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 19 2012 1:40 AM EDT

I'll go elb!

Django July 19 2012 2:11 AM EDT

I will match the bonus prizes to whoever finds the change and bonus to the exbow.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 21 2012 6:49 AM EDT

Current Teams:


TH3 C0113CT0R
Painted Death

To be assigned by me:

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 21 2012 11:13 AM EDT

the AxBow should also be a part of this testing.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 21 2012 10:20 PM EDT

Eliteofdelete shall join the ELB faction, the Exbow faction will gain a bonus equal to the average number of wins per person in the tournament unless another person joins.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 12:59 PM EDT

Found a glitch....so when was in store, bought db's bg's and ec and it said someone bought what i wanted already....i decide go back to armor and rebuy and same thing...so did it one more time and than i go to equip and i got 3 sets of em laying there and I still have all the money I had prior to buying.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 22 2012 1:46 PM EDT

same as above

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 1:48 PM EDT

just to clarify, all melee weapons are fine?

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 1:50 PM EDT

another thing, I have used my 10 fights.. now what? a 700mpr char is supposed to magically beat a 4k mpr char? I can't do anything now...

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 2:02 PM EDT

the collector...if you fight us and lose you get challange bonus applied and a bigger exp/money gain where im in lead right now and anytime i attack im getting -70% penalty to my rewards cuz of challange bonus so you will catch up as i slow down.

Joel July 22 2012 2:33 PM EDT

Yeah, but if defensive wins are counted towards your team's total win count, then your team will be pushed so far ahead, your victory will be assured...

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 2:35 PM EDT

exactly, You've already got ahead enough, that after our 10 battles we have no chance of beating you, I just blew 150 turns trying and all i could get is the stalemate..

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 2:38 PM EDT

yeah I do think that 10 fight should be lifted somehow as there arent enough people to make an even enough spread.

Joel July 22 2012 2:39 PM EDT

Two things happenned with this tourney to make it suck: Weird bug with the store that fooled me into thinking I hadn't purchased a RoS, and, now, the rule that has crippled one team in this tourney. It could have happened to either side. That rule needs to be discarded. I vote for a reboot of the tourney.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 2:41 PM EDT

yeah I love the bow vs xbow and tourney idea...but it does need a fix, it was a matter of time of one team or other just slingshotted to lead...didnt think it would be this short though.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 2:46 PM EDT

honestly dont know how much you get for losing but going against you Joel, getting these rewards so if you make more losing theres a chance you can catch up

Cash (total) $7,715
Healing cost -$0
XP (per minion) 1904

Challenge bonus -68% (why is this negative?)
Tournament bonus 18000%

Joel July 22 2012 2:50 PM EDT

Yeah, I done caught up :P)) now, if we can get a ruling on these defensive wins counting towards the total... Also, just getting a reboot would be a fantastic way to fix everything, as long as we can get that 10 fight rule thrown out.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 2:51 PM EDT

yea, unless some elbs join soon, im done. I have 148 turns I can't use, and I used 14 or something on other people, I have no chance of beating or catching up to any of the elbs right now. its just wasting turns loosing gets you nothing, stalemates give you nothing. so its just pushing you guys ahead even further if i waste turns attacking a lost cause.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 2:58 PM EDT

hey Collector talk to Joel...he caught up to me and is about to surpass me in less than 20 minutes lol

Unappreciated Misnomer July 22 2012 4:07 PM EDT

I have to drop out from the tournament before I could even start, and its funny and stupid at the same time why.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 4:25 PM EDT

Whaaa no come join us it is fun! :D

Almost as fun as that one tourney where we had a massive negative challenge bonus so people forged their NW to win ;D

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 4:37 PM EDT

Seems like the bonus is there is now a hard cap on the lower end of the drain.

"The stat drain will be proportional to damage done. At about 2.5% of the target's current (not max) HP, the drain will be about what you were used to. At 5%, it will be 2x*, where it is capped. And on down: at 1% of HP, it will be 0.4 of the old drain. There is no floor; enchanters armed with a crossbow can expect to be very disappointed."

So like I got hit with a 4 but still lost all my 4000 hp even tho I had 1550 HP.

When I calculated the % damage done to me it was .2585649% which under the old drain would have been basically 0 str drain.

Seems like this change was reverted back to the old old drain where enchanters can go back to using Exbows to some relative effectiveness.

Not sure how effective tho since -159k strength doesn't really tell me anything and I will never have any decent exp in this tourney due to the 10 target limitation and all the retaining to keep score low.

Actually now that I think about it it might be more beneficial monetary wise to just skip the rules and test the exbow and figure out the changes to it rather than sitting here with ~100k exp with my -90 to -99% challenge bonus.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 4:38 PM EDT

Cash (total) $34
Healing cost -$0
XP (per minion) 53

Challenge bonus -99% (why is this negative?)
Tournament bonus 18000%

I will tell you why it is negative. Because I can only beat two people out of three. Oh and because everyone drains their score with retrains....

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 4:44 PM EDT

when I was in first EoD thats what I was getting...thats why I was saying you guys can catch up if you lose to someone higher cuz your losing stats will be better than those stats you posted which is what whoevers in First is going to experience.

Unappreciated Misnomer July 22 2012 4:47 PM EDT

I would gladly join, but forgetting I already have 5 characters each with a rental out or an auction. This is where the game should allow a reserved hidden slot for an active tourney. but we.ve been down that road.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 4:56 PM EDT

Ah yeah they really do need a tourny spot for characters. Pisses me off every time I have to unretire one of mine holders.

Actually and easy fix would be to just let characters hold more items...

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] July 22 2012 5:05 PM EDT

Yeah, the rules of this tourney make it extremely difficult. I do like the concept but there isnt enough of a player base. I started late in the tourney and after my 10 random fights, i cant fight anyone in the tourney. I think the rules need to be switched up a small amount of maybe 100 fights per day have to be against others, even if they are 100 losses. This at least allows us to build our character.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 5:59 PM EDT

Can you explain why this is negative? hes higher pr/mpr/score than me in everyway

Cash (total) $24,089
Healing cost -$67
XP (per minion) 3811

Challenge bonus -25% (why is this negative?)
Tournament bonus 18000%

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 6:32 PM EDT

Challenge bonus is determined by your PR vs their score.

Your PR is almost 80k where his score is around 50k.

So he needs 80k score for you to get 0% challenge bonus and 160k+ score for you to get 100% challenge bonus.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 9:38 PM EDT

so unless the rules have changed is EoD out of the 'standings' since he's been attacking way over the 10 intial people that don't have to be in the tourney?

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 9:41 PM EDT

uhm I think given the name of his toon and he deleted and created a lot this morning, I was just assuming hes over the tourney and just testing strats out or just having fun lol, or he probably could not know the rules and disqualified himself already lol

Joel July 22 2012 9:42 PM EDT

Yeah, I'm wondering about that, too... Nice timing on going afk, Nat... I hope we don't get disqualified for attacking him, because me and L3G0 can kill him and we actually get a positive challenge bonus... One or two hits, as a test of our abilities, can be excusable, but I'd rather err on the side of caution, on this, and avoid all-out farming him.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 9:56 PM EDT

ya maybe i'll stop farming him until nat says something, either way, the exbow is proved over powered in less then 12hr still. IMHO anyway.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 9:58 PM EDT

yeah I have bought so many different items and tried so many different strats...I am out of ideas to take any of you 2 down. Even when Joel was under me alot he'd still take all my strength in the first shot.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 10:01 PM EDT

worst part is, my training set is the dumbest ever, 1/4 hp, 1/3 str, 1/2 dex, max ec.. lol

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 10:01 PM EDT

oh yea, im encumbered as well...

Mikel [Bring it] July 22 2012 10:25 PM EDT

Cash (total) $20
Healing cost -$0
XP (per minion) 23

Challenge bonus -99% (why is this negative?)
Tournament bonus 18000%

Not going to make it too far at this rate, at least though, my opponent is an Exbow person.

Mikel [Bring it] July 22 2012 10:25 PM EDT

should be more like after the first 1000 fights, then you can only fight each other.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 10:33 PM EDT

Sorry, I had 1 mill exp untrained. Y'all shouldn't be able to beat me anymore :)

As for the Exbow, it is extremely OP now at low levels. Or it has always been like this and we never noticed.

However, I have a feeling the "bonus" is some kind of high ramping function based on their HP+STR or maybe just STR.

Even with 120k+ Hp, Joel can drain ~120k Str in 5-6 hits, with each hit being around 300-700 damage, usually hits were on the lower end.

What I have figured out is having even str and HP seems to give you the most "hits before out of strength."

Although, getting 5-6 hits before you are done isn't saying much ;].

The only real way to beat the Exbow seems to be either not getting hit, draining all their strength so they do zero damage, or some other way that I am about to test x].

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 22 2012 10:38 PM EDT

Indeed, you can fight for another 24 hours against anyone, then it will start the team only fighting.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 22 2012 10:39 PM EDT

So until 11 pm Monday night.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 10:43 PM EDT

I think the 10 win thing was established to make it easy for Nat to determine which team has the highest cumulative wins.

Without it, how is a winning team going to be decided?

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 10:52 PM EDT

Yeah the easiest way to beat the Exbow is to do the strategy with the Shield of Capacity and hammer.

Basically, train no STR and base BL. Put a base of your favorite hammer, I prefer MoD. Train lots of HP and Dex and pump up the + on the MoD.

Then sit back and watch the enemy kill themselves =D

Although, if they de-equip their weapons then you can no longer beat them....but hey you can't lose if you are on the ELB team! :D

Extras that work well with the strat are TSA for regen, lots of armor, huge shield of capacity, PL minion, ToE on another minion, ect.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 10:56 PM EDT

Side note:

Don't train too much Dex. You want them to be able to hit you x]

So focus more getting the + up on the MoD.

So, sure fire way to win for the ELB team:

1. All ELB people do the hammer strat.

2. Farm lower level Exbow people or higher up Exbow people if possible.

3. Laugh as Exbow team can only kill themselves or stalemate repeatedly


TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 10:59 PM EDT

okay this is kinda bull now, 24hrs of non tourney character fighting... I wasted over 150 turns stalemating, loosing, to elb tourney characters because I most of us were under the impression we were only allowed to fight tourney characters after the initial 10. low and behold the one person that didn't fight this way now has a huge lead.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 11:02 PM EDT

You should be more upset about the OP strat I came up to counter your OP bow :O.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 22 2012 11:04 PM EDT

I tried the stalemate route early on...I even experimented with it, got some cool results to last alot longer...I trained a wall with dex so the exbows target him...in doing so my archer and him would alternate gettting hit as their strength kept lowering below each others so the wall seem to keep changing giving my elb guy more time instead of being hit first. Even put my ToA on my wall...I even tried an ultimate stalemate strat where I put TSA and high health for high regen and evas/high nw db combo, that just caused them to shoot 3-4 times in firs couple rounds making the regen counter productive...look at my fight logs those are the ones that took it to the 30th rounds against Joel and Collector, but they still won none the less.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 11:04 PM EDT

yes I know its an OP bow, I've stated and believed that since day one, how about you start over and ONLY fight tourney characters like the rest of us and see how well you do, anyoen can farm the 800k mpr inflated characters nat did a long time ago to get a huge lead. without that I dont' think you would be doing so well.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 22 2012 11:16 PM EDT

They are score inflated, not MPR o.O.

If Nat could inflate MPR like that I would be awestruck ;).

The reason your strat wasn't the best stalemate is because you weren't returning the damage done to you.

P.S. I am not really playing the tourney, I am more interested in figuring out the changes. Now that the rules have changed, I have a feeling the tourney will be reset. If it isn't and I feel like participating in the tourney, then I would reset my character myself and start afresh.

However, I pretty much already won the tourney for the ELB team so long as they do that strat. There is probably only one semi counter to it which would be easy to get around and I won't be mentioning it since it would be counter productive for my team :).

TH3 C0113CT0R July 22 2012 11:23 PM EDT

Inflated score or not, you get full bonuses farming them. I know this because I used this method to start 2 ncb. you can farm them all the way up till your mpr is below there score with full bonuses.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 23 2012 12:22 AM EDT

Only a noob would do that tho ;)

TH3 C0113CT0R July 23 2012 1:17 AM EDT

lets not start calling names.. I could toss a few around here right now too.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 23 2012 2:08 AM EDT

For one, I wasn't calling anyone names. What I meant is farming those characters solely during the early levels of an NCB would be a newbie mistake. Unless you weren't going for high growth then sure that would be fine.

Also, I restarted just for you. You should be quite happy :]

TH3 C0113CT0R July 23 2012 7:46 AM EDT

meh, I don't care anymore, this tourney is a wash, who changes the rules, Im not restarting and I wasted so much ba in lost battles because I followed the stupid rules, then nat just up and changes them.. its a joke.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 23 2012 10:22 AM EDT

How could you "waste" BA in an infinite BA tourney?

Technically you would have the advantage at this point since you have spent way more BA than me.

Now if you think starting over with 160 BA could get you higher then do a reset too.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 23 2012 5:03 PM EDT

Joel is not draining fully now with 3-6k hits on 740k HP, I'm guessing the constant was key to him fully draining near the start.

Without knowing the x on the ex bows it is going to be hard to draw conclusions.

you want to post your weapon stats Joel?

mine are MH - x 1000, + 0, ELB x 2000, + 0, elb x 46, + 0

Joel July 23 2012 9:31 PM EDT

All my exbows are x211 +38. I hope this helps towards a conclusion to what the change in the exbow was! :)

TH3 C0113CT0R July 23 2012 10:02 PM EDT

mine is only x150 +51

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 4:05 AM EDT

So not really a complaint...but as we are fighting...I am noticing the Hal familiar is a bit unfair...It allows the exbow team to equip an elbow and shoot my front minion in range combat...which defeats the exbow vs elbow when they are using elbow...the testing seems pretty much over so not really complaining about that, but an observation nonetheless

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 4:09 AM EDT

oh fyi I do have PL on so its not like it affected my strat at all but for someone who doesnt have PL its unfair is all.

Mikel [Bring it] July 24 2012 9:08 AM EDT

So did (T86) Test Ex get retired or did he retire himself?
Very tough to target the enemy already with this tournament when the Elb's outnumber the Exbow's.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 6:18 PM EDT

Joel's cheating the tournement
look at his item purchase log...hes cheating...he keeps buying stuff from the store to only sell it back for money since we dont get charged buying from the store, since I made that note on day 1.

On another note, I do feel like his character should be DQ'd he is using the Hal familiar well aware its using an Elbow to defeat us to also slingshot himself in the lead...now look at his purchase log with him selling so much of the SAME items while increasing his nw like insane. Not to put him through a character test either, but he changed out his familiar within half hour of me making that post and as any CBer would ask first and not use it for fear of DQ/penalty this guy decides to equip it and abuse the power of it before somethings said/mentioned from the Admins.

Which is on a different note. I am surprised that no ones stepped in to say anything. Is Nat only one running tournement, and if so I am sorry, but I made that post at 5 am Cali time....its now almost 330 pm I am just waking up and the buisness day is almost over here and not one admin have mentioned anything. If Nat is only one running tournement I understand, but a simple opinion on this subject, or someone who can help her out when shes not on, like an Enforcer or someone to have a say for when Nat's not on would be great. What kind of community lets people like Joel in, I know im part of Zen's alliance but I only been playing for a month tops and all the rudeness/negativity from him is just bringing down the community. I remember the old CB days where we feared Jon...

Joel July 24 2012 6:35 PM EDT

Yes, lets all gang up on Joel! I KNOW we can win, that way!! Seriously, you guys, I haven't broken any rules. There are no specific rules that say I can't do what I'm doing. If an admin makes the rule, then I'll stop. Fair enough? Or, do you have to disqualify me for breaking a rule that didn't exist, yet?

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 6:53 PM EDT

There is a no elb for the exbow team rule...you have an elb equipped through familiar...its not we are using it to gang up...if we can only use elb and melee weapons than the same should apply to you...we cant equip an exbows to take you down we are playing fair...why cant you? And your abusing a glitch in the system and say your not breaking rules...are you sucha Sociopath that you think you can just cheat the buisness system into making money for nothing and claim that your not cheating...hate to say it, but you venture in the grey area, but I am afraid to say that the grey area can turn black...your talking about its not in the rules, but it is...I just proved its in the rules, just because somethings not black and white to hold your hand through things. It is just so sad to think you can cheat the system the way you do, and act like nothing happened...On a personal note Joel, my dad is a sociopath and I really think you should go get help, your using the same excuses he does.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 24 2012 6:56 PM EDT

Um not sure why we are complaining about all this.

1. Joel is the only one on the Exbow team. Well there is another but I don't know if he is still playing.

2. The hal thing is fine. I don't see why using one with an Exbow should be illegal and it was stated that all the items in the shop are fair game to use.

3. I already posted a perfect strat to defeat the Exbow team. If you are having problems against them just go copy it.

4. The buying n selling thing can seem to be unethical but if he really wants to waste his time amassing small amounts of wealth when he has already been defeated (see point 3) then I say go for gold ;].

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 24 2012 7:01 PM EDT

T86 : Exbow vs ELB

Hal on an ExBow team defeats that purpose.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:03 PM EDT

EoD I have an amazing strat and it works well against Exbow...if I wanted to beat the exbow I would continue to use it...but if I known itd be an elbow and elbow (hal familiar) vs exbow and elbow (half familiar) I would of picked the exbow and elbow team, but I didnt I picked the elbow vs exbow tournement and chose the elbow team. Take it as is, your strat to beat them is turtling up with a SoC, which isnt winning by elbow either, but fair game as after range combat you can use whatever. but DURING range combat I dodge all his exbow attacks and beat him...I dont dodge his familiar attacks and elbow, since his elbow is hitting my tank and enchanter now during range now instead of targetting the minion with highest st.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:14 PM EDT

oh so its not bad enough, you can use your always hitting heavy damage ELB against the randomly hitting low damage Exbow but you want us to not use a Hal either, I don't remember NAT saying Exbow team can't use the HAL, its not like WE are using the ELB, the hal is a static elb that grows barely anything compared to your UPGRADEABLE ELB, give me a damn break, I'M THE ONLY PERSON that fought the entire 24hr period fighting ONLY tourney characters. I've been using a hal since day one aswell, LONG before your post..

AS far as Im concerned your all cheaters then, RULES stated 10 attacks against non tourney characters, IM THE ONLY ONE THAT FOLLOWED IT.. yes the selling buying thing is a huge glitch that he has been exploiting but give me a break on the rest of it!

AND As for the comment way up there about wasted BA, DAMN right its wasted.. unlimited ba tourney YES, but when you ARE FORCED to attack a character YOU CAN'T BEAT, and are FORCED to attack that person anyway just to use the BA YES that is wasted.

whatever, this tourney is a huge bust.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:15 PM EDT

ON top of that , I asked what melee weapons were allowed and NEVER got a damn answer, you have SoC, MH, MoD, Im the ONLY one using JUST my Ranged weapon because I Never got an answer

SO who's the real cheater here!

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:20 PM EDT

ELB vs Exbow

not ELB vs Exbow in ranged, then do whatever the hell you want in melee

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 24 2012 7:21 PM EDT

Honestly I see this tourney as not well guided or followed through on for whatever reason. Overall it was a time waster that was meant to do one thing.....placate everyone for a week so they could wait to tell us what the change was.

Bottom line this Tourney should be redone with ACTUAL Testing. Complete with hints and guidance from one of the people who masterminded the change in the first place.

Just my opinion..............

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:22 PM EDT

The Collector what are you talking about? you were only one who used 10 fights to attack everyone and went strictly tourney after that...we all did that...read my post when you were complaining..EoD was testing something out...he restarted his character like you wanted, which was his fourth restart over the first two days...he was testing something, and is no way was his character in the tournement from that...He has still restarted...our massive damage is because we dont get a strength drain...you do, your exbows far superios to elbows, we only complain for a fair chance, if your losing to us with an exbow and hal I will say somethings wrong with your strat than.

EOD- You also said its small change...hes selling items for 600k each...hes buying AoI and AoJ for 7080 each and selling em at +10 for 600K+ since they come +10 from the store.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:23 PM EDT

like hell you all did, after nat said 24hr of fight anyone you all did that, Im the only one that followed the original rules!

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:25 PM EDT

thats your fault for being stubborn...the rules changed we changed with them...but until than we followed em.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:26 PM EDT

oh and you think I can do anything with and exbow, when you oppenents have 600k EC or DBs that make the randomly barely hitting exbow hit even less give me a break

your crying and your on the elb team.. lol

ELB wins EVERY god forsaken tourney around here plain and simple.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:27 PM EDT

and its not my fault, I followed the rules, do you think they change the rules of a basketball game mid series.. no.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 24 2012 7:27 PM EDT

Note you said original rules Nat did change them. Like I said this Tourney was just not well done. It should be restarted with definitive ironclad rules then properly guided as needed.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:29 PM EDT

Original RULES are the rules that SHOULD have been followed.. They should never have been changed.

Im going to sell chaotic for 1 CBD

who wants to bid.. auction starts now...

10 bids later

oh wait I ment 1 billion cbd... lol

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:30 PM EDT

rules are made to be followed not changed at ones convenience

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:31 PM EDT

We been saying Elbows lost the tourney for a long time...Also dont know if you know me or not, but I just started playing a month ago from a LONG absense from cb2, and you want to say elbows win every tourney, I wasnt playing any tourney using an elbow...I was playing the Elbow vs Exbow tourney where the rules are simple...use an exbow or an elbow and battle the other team...dont use an exbow and an elbow and laugh at the elbow players who cant do anything...db's? I have high db's yes but its to avoid being hit...thats goal of tournement to not get hit by exbow since one hit and my strength is at -3 mill from you and your half my mpr...if you dont want to get hit by elbow than get db's...thats not an unfair to either side...you can equip em and not get hit by me...I am not stopping you. But what is stopping me in this Elbow tourney, is I found a strat that works semi affective USING an elbow against the exbows and you guys decide to switch weapons from exbow to elbows as your main damage.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:33 PM EDT

back to my point of elb vs exbow

not elb vs exbow in ranged then do whatever the hell you want in melee


SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:34 PM EDT

how was that an unfair rule? you had the same oppurtunity as me, I was out of ba when the rule was made...EoD restarted his character...so please tell me how its unfair to the EXBOW team when it was fair to both teams. You and Joel and I were all out of BA at the time, I was on watching fight logs right than. And the change wasnt made by the Elbow team, so why does the change matter? The change mutually benefitted both teams.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:34 PM EDT

dude my only weapon is the Exbow give me a break. whats your melee weapon?

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:35 PM EDT

again ELB vs Exbow

NOT elb vs exbow in ranged and then slam them with SoC and MH, or MoD

its ELB vs Exbow PERIOD.

Mikel [Bring it] July 24 2012 7:36 PM EDT

Whoa I started way late. I attcked 5-6 non tourneys. Then started in on gohan (who was in the tourney). Then once allowed to attack. Anyone that's what I did. And I dontt care what your starts are as long as you have an exbow in it.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:37 PM EDT

No its not...thats the name of the tourney and Nat said you can use whatever you want in Melee...The reason for the elbow vs exbow was to test the new change and thats why they are THE ONLY allowed weapons in range...thats the secondary reason for the tournement.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:38 PM EDT

the point of this tourney was to compare the elb vs the exbow, not to wait 6 rounds and then slam them with every other weapon in the game.

Im the only person USING just THE ALLOWED ranged weapons.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:39 PM EDT

And nothings preventing you from equipiing an MH MoD or SoC. And using that against us...but somethings preventing Exbow being equipped on our team and using it against you guys...which is why I complain about the Hal.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:39 PM EDT

how can you compare wins against the 2 weapons when every other weapon is being used... YOU CAN"T

yea i survived your elb to melee, then you kill me with the SoC, MH, how does that say the elb did better? it doesn't

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:42 PM EDT

Winning faction:
500k to each member provided they have over 500 wins.
Losing Faction:
100k to each member provided they have over 500 wins.

Bonus Prizes:
1) 1 mil to the person in the tourney who correctly discovers and posts the change that has been made to the exbow.

2) 500k to the person who correctly identifies and posts the bonus change made to the exbow.

Tourney shall start on Sunday July 22 at 12 pm server time and end July 29 at 12 pm server time.

Hope you have fun.

so you beat me with the MH, MoD etc, why the hell should you get points for your team and win the tourney when the damn point is the comparison againstt the elb and exbow... man you must be dense..

how can you say the elb team is doing better because you have more wins when you are winning the battles with other weapons and the tourney is about ELB vs Exbow. PERIOD. not elb vs exbow, then whatever the hell you want in melee....

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:43 PM EDT

yeah cuz I cant shoot the elbow in melee, why you think I got SoC? Like again you need to change the strat...there isnt a rule where you can only use elbow and exbows...thats for range only...so what we are using in melee...you can use it too...again for you being so stubborn your missing out on what your allowed to do. You need to quit using this excuse I do it than you must do it...I am following the rules and so are you...but your complaint about me is cuz im using the same weapon your allowed to use and you complain? Your missing the point to all this. I cant respond to you anymore, your just running in circles.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:44 PM EDT

Look at number 3 post

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:46 PM EDT

you don't get it.. your just too dense...

I give up.

The tourney is called ELB vs Exbow, Im using my exbow in melee why the hell are you not using your ELB.

is the tourney called ELB vs Exbow vs MH vs MoD vs ETC... no its not.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:47 PM EDT

don't even try and tell me you can't use your ELB in melee, IF i can use the Exbow in melee you sure as hell can use the ELB.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:48 PM EDT

What are you talking about...have you even inspected my character...A SoC is on my enchanter with 0 st 0 dex and mh...my elbow guy doesnt have a melee weapon he fires in melee...he doesnt have archery trained so he misses all the time...you my friend...please do research before typing.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:51 PM EDT

dude your still using the SoC / MH combo to win battle, your not beating me with the ELB which is the point of the battle, your using the SoC charged hits to kill me!

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:52 PM EDT

which was my point! because I have inspected your character, and looked at the reports..

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 7:52 PM EDT

I win you in range? We stalemate more than we win or lose...look at fight log we go all 50 rounds no winner no loser. the SoC last hits you...but the elbow lowers you down in range so the soc hits you for a lil and you die...train more hp...again to blame me for your strat being wrong.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 7:56 PM EDT

Im not blaming you for anything, This entire argument is mote, because my MAIN point is that the tourney is suposed to be soley ELB vs Exbow, period no other weapons how can you have a tourney to compare them when you use every other weapon.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 8:00 PM EDT

and Joel still didnt buy a ton of Amulet of Junctions and Amulet of Invisibility to sell back to the store for a lil over 630k each to cheat his way to the top.

My bad he did.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 8:01 PM EDT

hey im not saying thats not cheating either.. but I haven't done that. And I've followed all rules as stated in the original post.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 8:02 PM EDT

I will say sorry to you Collector, as I was calling Joel out earlier not you, I truly didnt think you used the Hal to purposely exploit it, and if anything I do feel like when I attacked Joel you thought I meant you too, and I am sorry for giving that impression =P

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 8:10 PM EDT

I apologize as well.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 24 2012 8:15 PM EDT

Ah well then the selling thing is slightly bigger deal....on that note I am going to go 2 billion NW with an immune wall ;)

Actually my ENC wouldn't be able to handle that so never mind :(

As for the rule thing, the rules sucked originally and everyone was complaining about them. They got changed because everyone wanted them to be changed, accept apparently you for whatever reason.

It was your choice to accept or deny the new rules but that doesn't mean you should be upset with everyone else who did not follow the original rules.

Rules get changed constantly. We don't play basketball or football or any sport by the same original rules. You play them by the new rules set up by whoever is the host or the convention of the time.

It would be quite silly of you to go into a football tournament and deny a penalty because it wasn't in the ORIGINAL rule book.

Now should there have been a restart? Probably but there wasn't. This doesn't mean you should be ranting on how you were the only one to follow the original rules so everyone else should lose. That doesn't make sense. Besides you benefited from the change of rules even if you continued to only attack tourney characters.

As for the whole "ONLY Exbow vs. ELB" debate, I am not quite sure where y'all came up with this. The shop is completely modifiable for tournaments. They can chose which items can bought and used. So under this notion, if there is a melee weapon or if their is a Hal familiar, then it is fair game to use it.

Now if there was a specific rule that ELB team can't use SoC/MH or that Exbow team can't use a Hal then you would have a basis to complain. But there are no rules stating those things and those items are in the shop so I see no reason to not use then and even a less of a reason to complain that people are using them.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 24 2012 8:15 PM EDT

you seem to have wrongly assumed the only weapons allowed were the ELB and EX bow, the title of a tourny is not something I would generally think of as being a rules statement anyway. If you look a few posts in Nat specifically states melee weapons are allowed.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 24 2012 8:19 PM EDT

Post number 4;

All armor and melee weapons will be available. The only ranged weapons available will be ELB and exbow. You are required to have a least either an Exbow or an ELB and which one depends on the team you are in. Yes you are required to us only the proper one for your team but you can have as many as you like.

Non DD tattoos will be available.

I would assume "Yes you are required to us only the proper one for your team" Would have inlcuded the HAL's ELBow, but that would be for Nat to clarify.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 24 2012 8:21 PM EDT

EoD you make it sound like Elbow can only use SoC or MH which isnt true, they can use SoC and MH against us too...we can use the Hal against them too, but thats not the point...The point is the Hal uses an elbow, so if I wanted to use a Hal against them I could just hire another minion and equip an elbow on him for that...they cant equip another minion and stick an elbow on him so why should they summon something that does it for them...we cant summon a familiar that uses an exbow against them, thats what I was getting it.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 24 2012 8:23 PM EDT

when you go BOW hunting you can't use a gun. just saying.

When you call a tourney BOW vs BOW, why would you use a GUN? I hope the analogy makes sense.

Honestly the tourney should have been called No DD. seriously what ranged weapons were removed. SoD, Axbow, Hxbow. rest are crap anyway.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 24 2012 8:24 PM EDT

Overall I knew this Tournament wouldn't serve it's purpose and would turn into a mess which is why I didn't join in the first place.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 24 2012 8:30 PM EDT

The Collector this is part of the first post I had in this thread before everything kicked off:

Zenai[Chaotic Serenity] July 18 10:15 AM EDT

Furthermore I think it silly to have an Archery Tournament without ALL of the Ranged Weapons. The ExBow's changes should be tested against all of the ranged weapons to see how it fairs.

Not to mentioned the Chakram has yet to be "Top or even Mid End" Tested since it was lessened to make it easier to spawn in the BM. Because of that it is not available in the SY. Hence no testing. The "Perfect" opportunity is now.

Just my opinion.......

Yeah you are not the only one to have this thought.

Mikel [Bring it] July 24 2012 9:39 PM EDT

Hmm I was kinda curious how someone's NW was more than double mine. Now I know.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 24 2012 11:46 PM EDT

The equipping a hal was not clarified in the rules so it was not against the rules. However, in order to gain clarification it will not be allowed by the exbow team from here on out.

The selling to the store of amulets is clearly an exploit to gain an unfair advantage. The extent to which this irreparable, as such Joel will be disqualified from the tourney with a 500k fine.

As this will mean that there is only 1 person on the exbow team vs 5 people on the ELB team the tourney shall restart with all players other that Joel who have been active in the tourney receiving 100k.

The rules from the restart shall be partially modified in light of what has happened so far.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 24 2012 11:59 PM EDT

The modifications to the rules, which shall be edited in are as follows.

First, the tourney restarts at noon server time on Wednesday and will go for a full week.

Exbow team is only allowed to use Exbows as a ranged weapon. The hal is not allowed for the exbow team. The JKF is allowed for the exbow team.

ELB team is only allowed to use ELB for ranged, the hal is allowed. The JKF is not allowed for the ELB team.

Players are allowed to fight anyone as the tourney base is too small to require only other team hits. However losses will now count against the team's win count. Therefor hitting your own team member will grant a net gain of 0 and hitting the other team will give a net gain of 2.

As stated in the standard tourney rules, no exploits.

All armor and melee weapons are allowed to both teams. The reason for this is that exbow is not designed to kill and elb is ineffective in melee.

Mikel [Bring it] July 25 2012 12:07 AM EDT

Unbelievable, lol I have not played in a tourney in 2 years and all this happens in the first one that I actively participated in.

OK so tomorrow at noon, we can hit anyone we want.

Also just so we're clear what are all of the exploits? I don't want to accidentally do one. I did buy an AoI early in this tourney and sold it later when I saw it wasn't really helping me with my evasion and at that time was too big for my enc to handle. However, I didn't pay attention to the amount of $ I got back from it. I just figured that it was half or so.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 25 2012 12:11 AM EDT

The new teams will be as follows. Eliteofdelete and Mikel will move to the Exbow team in order to even them out. If desired trading teams will be allowed just each player has to make a post about it.


TH3 C0113CT0R

Additional players are welcome to join.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 25 2012 12:26 AM EDT

TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Rubberduck[T] (Black Ship To Hell) $100000 -- For Playing 12:24 AM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Eliteofdelete (Epitaph) $100000 -- For Playing 12:23 AM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Quyen (RoSftw) $100000 -- For Playing 12:22 AM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) SuiteStuff (Gohan) $100000 -- For Playing 12:22 AM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) $100000 -- For Playing 12:21 AM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Mikel (King of Pain) $100000 -- For playing 12:20 AM EDT

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 25 2012 12:28 AM EDT

Yes, you can hit anyone you want for the entirety of the tourney. That would not count as an exploit just buying it for your character and then selling it because it doesn't work. An exploit would be knowingly buying and selling them more than once.

Mikel [Bring it] July 25 2012 9:27 AM EDT

boooooooo I hate exbow's. I'll try and figure out a strat for one though.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 25 2012 10:12 AM EDT

there is still no point to this tourney, you are calling it exbow vs elb, and its supposed to be to compare them now, and find the new exbow changes, and you are going to give prizes based on the WINS of that team, but you are not even taking into account the NAME of the tourney.

I think this is the stupidest thing ever, If you are going to call a tourney ELB vs EXBOW, NO melee weapons should be allowed.

what stops me from have a base or near base exbow and a huge MH / SoC. If I win what did It prove? nothing, it proved nothing about the ELB or the EXBOW.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 25 2012 10:15 AM EDT

True, that would prove nothing about them, but that is what the bonus prizes are for, incentive to try focusing on those two weapons. Melee weapons are allowed because the exbow is not designed to kill.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 25 2012 10:27 AM EDT

I did focus solely on the Exbow, I used it to gimp the teams and the Hal to finish them off, it worked relatively well until they trained massive EC's and Evasion or DBs. its that simple to stop the Exbow. why do they need melee weapons?

I just think its pointless to call the tourney that and then allow all melee weapons but not the Axbow or Hxbow they should both have been affected by this same change, well maybe not the Hxbow

your still trying comparing a always hitting heavy damage ELB vs a Randomly hitting low damage Exbow. and then tossing all melee weapons on top of it, just doesn't make sense.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 25 2012 10:31 AM EDT

As I have given out the descriptions of the change the bonus prizes are being removed.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 25 2012 10:53 AM EDT

I can't face another tourny right now, so I'll have to pull out, sorry.

TH3 C0113CT0R July 25 2012 11:51 AM EDT

well I'll make it even then, cus this is FAR from a elb vs exbow tourney... Im out!

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 25 2012 1:40 PM EDT

your still trying comparing a always hitting heavy damage ELB vs a Randomly hitting low damage Exbow. and then tossing all melee weapons on top of it, just doesn't make sense.

It makes perfect sense.

The EXBow still exists as it's needed to counter the ELBow, rather specifically (as well as all other Physical damage).

This Tournament was in my mind, a cheeky little mash up of the *main* reason the EXBow is still around (the rest of physical is a by product, really), with a splash of 'test the changes', finished with a hint of "ZOMG the EXBow/ELBow is still OP!" thrown in, depending on results.

As Nat said, the EXBow users need some way to finish off opponents.

Who can stalemate most doesn't really seem like an enticing tournament.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 25 2012 1:41 PM EDT

Oh, and let's reflect.

Is it a good thing, or a bad thing, that CB players are so, devious, that Tournament rules have to be ironclad?


TH3 C0113CT0R July 25 2012 2:07 PM EDT

what are you guys evening doing? lol, one of you has a mage shield, another AMF, am i missing something? isn't DD not allowed...

TH3 C0113CT0R July 25 2012 2:08 PM EDT

nvm I forgot you can attack anyone again... yea, great tourney....

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] July 25 2012 3:14 PM EDT

I rejoined the exbow team.

QBRanger July 25 2012 7:10 PM EDT

The EXBow still exists as it's needed to counter the ELBow

Again for the umpteenth time, this is an incorrect statement.

There are at least 3 other ways to counter high damage missile weapon users that do not cut damage down to the hundreds at 6+M MPR. Which have been discussed and dissected in numerous other posts.

The exbow is probably the stupidest and most unbalanced item I have ever seen in any RPG I have ever played.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 25 2012 7:28 PM EDT

Just like there are at least three other ways to counter the EXBow itself.


Where's my wayback machine, I seemed to have travelled back in time...

QBRanger July 25 2012 9:04 PM EDT

But if it is a solution to a problem that no longer exists, why still have it given its very controversial nature and the fact it has caused at least 4 good solid players to leave at least the playing aspect of a game that is seeing dwindling numbers?

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 25 2012 9:51 PM EDT

I think the Exbow is needed to counter the ELB, especially since USD usage is quite prevalent in the game and no matter which of these other "counters" you use against the ELB, it work till you carry out the "counter" to a far extreme.

I.e. Getting enough EC to drain their entire str, building +500 Dbs, making a physical immune wall, ect.

The Exbow allows for a way to compete against such a high hitting, high damaging weapon. However, I think it too strong in the since you permanently cripple their physical damage output.

Instead, I think there needs to be an effect, whether on an item, spell, new item, natural, w/e, that regens strength in melee rounds.

For example, have the TSA regen lost strength/dex by 3% of maximum for each round in melee. This would only work on strength lost through drain effects so EC/ENC/ect would not be affected.

Now if the team continued to use the Exbow in melee rounds, and can keep hitting their target, then I think that would be fine.

Side note: The drain effect would have to cap to zero strength or have the item bring strength to zero before regeneration starts.

Also, why is "ect" not in the dictionary?

Sickone July 27 2012 3:14 PM EDT

Also, why is "ect" not in the dictionary?

Possibly because it's spelled "etc", from the Latin "et cetera", which means something like "and other such things" or "and so on and so forth" ;)

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 27 2012 3:17 PM EDT

Well that would explain it x]

Thanks Sickone!

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 1 2012 1:42 PM EDT

It looks like team exbow wins with 5532 points vs team ELB with 1113 points.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 1 2012 1:50 PM EDT

TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) SuiteStuff (Gohan) $200000 -- Keep trying! 1:49 PM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Gohan (Anomander Rake) $1000000 -- Winner! 1:47 PM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Eliteofdelete (Epitaph) $1000000 -- Winner! 1:44 PM EDT
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Mikel (King of Pain) $1000000 -- Winner! 1:43 PM EDT

Mikel [Bring it] August 1 2012 2:32 PM EDT

Thank you. So when is the next tourney?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 1 2012 2:57 PM EDT

ZOMG! The EXBow is still OP even after this adjustment!



SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] August 1 2012 3:16 PM EDT

Wasn't there another member on my team? Who owned TestElb2?

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] August 1 2012 3:20 PM EDT

Piper owned him =P

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 1 2012 3:51 PM EDT

Piper never said that he was joining a team and he made a test character.

Mikel [Bring it] August 1 2012 4:52 PM EDT

Piper wasn't in the tourney. If he was he would've been disqualified. Since he wasn't I saw no need to keep adjusting my strat to beat his. So there. :)

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] August 1 2012 5:55 PM EDT

yeah wasnt aware he wasnt in lol, oh guess I made up whole elb team lol.
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