ExBow Drain Bug? (in General)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 13 2012 8:48 PM EDT

I have a total of 1.6m STR total including the ToA.

Adam Jensen hit Hal [36,061]
Hal looks weaker!
Chuhow undershot Adam Jensen
Hal hit Adam Jensen [196,679]
Chaova's shot flew past Adam Jensen

Adam Jensen hit Hal [30,496]
Hal looks weaker!
Adam Jensen hit Hal [42,285]
Hal looks weaker!
Chuhow overshot Adam Jensen
Hal's shot ricocheted near Adam Jensen
Chaova hit Adam Jensen [98,664]
Adam Jensen looks weaker!

Adam Jensen shot Chuhow for no damage
Adam Jensen shot Chuhow for no damage

But a 98k damage hit from an exbow drains my minion's strength to where it does absolutely 0 damage. How does 98k damage from an exbow drain ~1.6m? That seems like a bug to me.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 13 2012 8:50 PM EDT

Adam Jensen hit Hal [27,094]
Hal looks weaker!
Adam Jensen hit Hal [31,715]
Hal looks weaker!
Chuhow undershot Adam Jensen
Hal hit Adam Jensen [206,985]
Chaova shot Adam Jensen [70,814]
Adam Jensen looks weaker!

Adam Jensen hit Hal [2]
Hal looks weaker!

A 70k exbow hit drains almost 1.6m STR as well, letting me do only 2 damage.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 13 2012 8:52 PM EDT

It's how the ExBow works, with FGoD I had around 24 Mil Strength and I was drained almost completely in one shot. You need more AC or HP he help Negate that Damage or a good PL Wall(this option will only delay it though)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 13 2012 8:56 PM EDT

Yeah but how much damage did the exbow hit do to drain you that much?

KittehShinobu July 13 2012 8:58 PM EDT

A PL Wall can't PL the drain from the minion, only the damage. ^_^ I fought PL walls before, still drains the opponent without PL.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 13 2012 9:02 PM EDT

Also, I'm fighting an opponent who also happens to have 1.6m STR with a ToA.

Adam Jensen hit Extermination [24,751]
Fate looks weaker!
Fate absorbs damage [24,751]
Extermination undershot Adam Jensen

Adam Jensen shot Extermination [22,799]
Extermination looks weaker!
Fate absorbs damage [22,799]
Adam Jensen shot Extermination [29,325]
Extermination looks weaker!
Fate absorbs damage [29,325]
Extermination's shot went wide of Adam Jensen

Adam Jensen hit Extermination [29,380]
Extermination looks weaker!
Fate absorbs damage [29,380]
Extermination overshot Adam Jensen

Adam Jensen hit Extermination [37,281]
Extermination looks weaker!
Fate absorbs damage [37,281]
Extermination's shot went wide of Adam Jensen

Adam Jensen shot Extermination [36,217]
Extermination looks weaker!
Fate absorbs damage [36,217]
Adam Jensen hit Extermination [24,786]
Extermination looks weaker!
Fate absorbs damage [24,786]
Extermination shot Adam Jensen [17,629]
Adam Jensen looks weaker!

Melee Combat
Adam Jensen pounded Insanity [179,787]
Fate absorbs damage [179,787]
Adam Jensen crunched Insanity [162,345]
Fate absorbs damage [162,345]
Adam Jensen crunched Insanity [160,461]
Fate absorbs damage [160,461]
Insanity takes damage from his own Decay (64,561)!
Insanity's Decay hit Adam Jensen for no damage
Doom takes damage from his own Decay (64,561)!
Doom's Decay hit Adam Jensen for no damage
Extermination glanced off of Adam Jensen [85,050]
Extermination draws strength from his weapon! [17010]

That's multiple, multiple hits, with an overall damage of OVER 90k damage that Rubberduck's character did to me. But that minion still has enough STR to damage me for 80k. How is that fair? 90k in 1 hit drains 1.6m STR.

But against another person, ~175k total ExB damage in ranged doesn't even drain them enough to significantly affect their damage.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 13 2012 10:28 PM EDT

It isn't a bug. Drain is based on the damage done versus your current hp along with how big the exbow is.

It gives details in the wiki.

Fishead July 13 2012 11:12 PM EDT

Has it been too long since the last exbow thread?

Fishead July 13 2012 11:25 PM EDT

I mean, why beat a dead horse when you can dig up five horse corpses, make a Frankenstein horse and beat five at once?

Good thing Ranger is taking a break.

Quyen July 14 2012 12:22 AM EDT

Good thing Ranger is taking a break.

anyway, the drain isn't really bugged, its just really high. draining FGoD while doing something like 300K damage is a lot.. ranger himself was getting drained into minus millions too.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] July 14 2012 12:52 AM EDT

AA hits me once and i go from 18m to -170m :) its fun stuff. But is it completely broken? No I don't believe so. It does create randomness to win/loss because I will never be able to 100% him right now.

Mikel [Bring it] July 14 2012 1:03 AM EDT

LOL Ranger might be on a hiatus, but the root of his complaint has been picked up by another.

Don't worry ResistanZ, you're not the only person that feels that way about that weapon and the axbow (that one drains your dex just as fast as the exbow drains str). Unfortunately, your complaint falls upon deaf ears. There is no real combat to either of those weapons, everything else in the game has a counter.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 14 2012 1:48 AM EDT

Well just about anyone will say that yes both of them have In-Game Counters which is true. Problem is that the ONLY one that actually works has a cutoff via ENC.....AC. HP is Limited by EXP and let's be honest yeah AC can Stop the ExBow but is less likely to be averted. Especially since VERY VERY few can get their AC that high in comparison to being able upgrade the draining capabilities of the ExBow. Anyway it is what it is *shrugs* There is always the option of using the ExBow to combat the ExBow......Look at some of the Top Characters....hell I am even considering one myself.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 14 2012 3:54 AM EDT

OK not a single person who answered saw the root of the problem. That my damage from the exbow over a few rounds drains way less than a lesser single hit.

Insanity cast Ablative Shield on Extermination (322,786)

Extermination has ~250k natural HP.

That makes for around 570k total HP, right?

OK, so they have 570k HP, and I hit them multiple times and multiple rounds in ranged where I do a total of, 175k in ranged. But that barely affects the damage they do in drain.

So since no one actually answered my question, I'll ask it again: how is it fair that a single hit (90k) against a minion with over 1m HP drains their strength to 0 (1.6m) but a few hits (a total of 175k) doesn't do any noticeable drain to a character with ~570k HP?

Quyen July 14 2012 4:03 AM EDT

prob exbow size.. a exbow drains for tons with more than 1000x or smth.. but under that the drain isn't that big :)

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 14 2012 11:29 AM EDT

I'm not going to get into talking about the exbow's pros and cons once more. I will let you know the bow I'm using is x2308.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 14 2012 11:46 AM EDT

Apparently no on knows how to read. Nothing in this thread was about the exbow being overpowered, was it?

I was merely asking if the discrepancy I noticed was due to a bug, as well as such a large gap between damage done and str drained.

Maybe next time bother to fully read the thread than seeing a thread with the word "exbow" in it and going "hurrrr not again". And I'm referring to everyone who made mention of a dead horse or Ranger.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 14 2012 11:55 AM EDT

looking at the wiki it seems I'm getting a drain bonus due to damage - 5% HP = 2x drain

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 14 2012 11:57 AM EDT

You'll also notice that it wouldn't be in my best interest to have the exbow nerfed since I use one too.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 14 2012 12:15 PM EDT

RD: but I'm not down at 5% when you drain me. At least I dont think so. I'm on my phone right now so I cant be sure.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 14 2012 12:15 PM EDT

EoD answered and you do say "is it fair" which sounds like a balance question.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] July 14 2012 12:18 PM EDT

I mean my hit is more than 5% of your current hp, my bow does about 70% drain from the x alone, if that hit is over 2.5% current HP then the drain is multiplied up to a max of 2x at 5% HP.

AdminNightStrike July 15 2012 12:33 PM EDT

You may have an issue, I'm not sure, as I can't check the code right now.

However, I will at the very least say that if you are basing any numbers off the giant negatives, don't. There *is* a bug with that, where you might see something like -5948590348504853 ST, but that doesn't mean that the bow drained that much ST. Once it gets to zero, it goes haywire.

It's only a display issue, though, since anything below zero is treated like zero.

Now, looking at your issue in more detail, I think I see what you mean. To know what's up, we'd have to know the size of the bow that hit you, the ST of the attacker, the HP of the defender at the point of impact, the ST of the defender, and..... I think that's it?

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 15 2012 12:50 PM EDT

Defender natural HP (256,123) + AS (322,786) = 578,909 total HP.
Defender ST = 1.6m including a ToA.

Person attacking me's ExBow = x2308.
Person attacking me's ST = 1.4m with GS.

So the part that seems like a bug to me is that the damage done is supposed to be relative to the ST drained.

AdminNightStrike July 15 2012 1:14 PM EDT

Ok, so I logged in to the code and checked. The only thing that matters now after the most recent change from Jon a few years ago is damage and HP*. So basically, 98664 / 578909 is enough of a ratio to get a 100% drain, along with a static reduction of 100k ST.

So the hit against you is correct. So now lets look at the hits from you against other people.

Any idea on the HP of that Hal you're hitting?

[*] The old model would give a % per x. Jon changed that, and I forgot. Sorry :)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 15 2012 2:11 PM EDT

Wait, the HF?

I think something may be confused. I'm trying to compare damage:drain between 2 different fights. Namely the damage:drain between Black Ship to Hell's drain on Deus Ex Machina and Deus Ex Machina's drain on Obliteration (although I've since salvaged my exbow into an axbow).

AdminNightStrike July 15 2012 3:19 PM EDT

Oh, thought you were trying to compare it to what you did to the Hal. Anyway, what are the stats on the other fight you want to compare against?
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