Create/style me a doormat! (in Contests)

AdminShade July 4 2012 6:51 PM EDT

I'm close to moving into my apartment though I want to do something neat with my doormat.

I'm not really sure what but it may have something to do with Lord of the Rings, one with Sindarin or Quenya text.

It should ultimately read something along 'welcome' or something freely translatable to it.

I haven't set my mind on a prize yet, but if I really see a design of phrase which suits me, I'm going to find a store/web shop which can make such a doormat and see what I can get from it. Then I could reward the creator with a CB$ prize and possibly his/her name on the doormat as well!

Demigod July 4 2012 7:59 PM EDT

I did a quick search for a Sindarin translator but I came up empty. Looks like you're not getting a Sindarin version of "One does not simply walk into my apartment."

Joel July 4 2012 11:27 PM EDT

How about "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!" :D)))))

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 4 2012 11:56 PM EDT

I'm not really sure what but it may have something to do with Lord of the Rings, one with Sindarin or Quenya text.

It should ultimately read something along 'welcome' or something freely translatable to it.

I found a few links that may help you get exactly what you are looking for. now I did not have time to read too far in depth but these links seem to lead to a few other sources that are pooled around the net. Enjoy and I hope it help!



QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] July 5 2012 12:39 AM EDT

Speak friend and enter :)

AdminShade July 5 2012 4:58 PM EDT

Speak friend and enter

AdminShade July 5 2012 4:59 PM EDT

And I definitely like your page Zenai!
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