Wild Guns (in Off-topic)

winner winner June 13 2012 2:32 PM EDT

So I got an email from Wild Guns and it reminded me of S4 domination that we had on CB. I just looked on the website but S4 was not there. Does anyone know what happened to the different servers there?

AdminG Beee June 13 2012 4:01 PM EDT

Don't know.
We certainly owned that place for a good long while though.

Elf X.7plus35k June 14 2012 11:00 AM EDT

Much like other game forge games and servers and communities... is it possible you were looking at the wrong version sir? I know wildguns has a wildguns.us and a wildguns.com as well as many others...??

hzarb June 14 2012 5:42 PM EDT

The correct URL is s4.wildguns.co.uk.
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