NCB Questions (in General)

Drakon(DS) April 28 2012 9:59 PM EDT

OK got a few questions for when i start my ncb im in a week.
1. Is there still a hard cap to ba? AS in can i buy ba everday and not spend it to what extent?
2. Is a Single minion Monk with a RoE viable to lvl with at first?

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] April 28 2012 10:03 PM EDT

1) 1600 ba hard cap.

2) it probably is but I would suggest using a tattoo as it will grow and your team will grow faster as well provided you get the same challenge bonus.

Drakon(DS) April 29 2012 12:23 AM EDT

well was gonna hire a second minion about 1mill mpr as a plwall and switch the RoE for a ToA and continue from there

Drakon(DS) April 29 2012 6:24 AM EDT

another question how do i change my user image? found the character one but not the user one

Sickone April 29 2012 6:25 AM EDT

RoE was changed a while ago.
On multi-minion teams, the RoE concentrates all XP growth on the minion wearing it, but it now only grants 4% XP bonus if named (rather negligible, if you ask), none if unnamed.
So a solo char with an unnamed RoE makes no sense, and a named RoE barely matters.

Drakon(DS) April 29 2012 6:28 AM EDT

ignore my post about image found it. i thought i gave the xp the tat would have gotten to the minion instead ie granting more exp for the cost of not lvling a tat

Drakon(DS) April 29 2012 6:30 AM EDT

i see the change now thx
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