Dinh/Josh Loan (in Public Record)

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 23 2012 6:23 PM EDT

Dinh will be loaning me 7mil for 2 weeks.

I will pay back 7.28mil.

Thanks again Dinh.

{cb2}Dinh April 23 2012 6:26 PM EDT

np ;)

{cb2}Dinh (The Bankery) Josh (It's Always Sunny) $7000000 -- loan 6:25 PM EDT

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 28 2012 1:49 PM EDT

Marlfox (Haze) {cb2}Dinh (ATFEH) $7280000 -- for Josh 1:49 PM EDT
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