hey guys (in General)

Drakon(DS) April 20 2012 8:26 PM EDT

im just wondering how active this game still is? i just got laided-off and needed a hobby so id figured id mess around with this game but its been awhile. can anyone give me a 2 sentence review of the current meta/game state?

Fishead April 20 2012 9:12 PM EDT

Just got changes to the ES and Heavy Crossbow (thanks again NS), a few other changes over the last couple of years. Player base is smaller but still active.

Drakon(DS) April 20 2012 9:14 PM EDT

so sticking around for a bit wouldnt be too bad?

AdminNightStrike April 20 2012 9:14 PM EDT

Sticking around for a bit is a grand idea :) :)

Drakon(DS) April 20 2012 9:21 PM EDT

well i guess im back im currently running a 4 minion strat with a robf. i remember having one since before it was gone. one question evasion? seems to be a little dorky now, i remember dbs were decent but my ebs do the same now. sorry but can anyone give some tips on my fem fatales strat?

Fishead April 20 2012 9:23 PM EDT

Welcome back.

Unappreciated Misnomer April 20 2012 11:11 PM EDT

if you had 6 months id say strip all your characters down after you have enough money to start an NCB. other than that on your current team id only use one minion training decay and try to score a pair of NSc's for them. add an AoI to your robf.

Demigod April 22 2012 2:34 AM EDT

can anyone give me a 2 sentence review of the current meta/game state?

Pretty much the same as it was in 2005, just with a lot fewer lurkers.

Also, I just broke my rule of "don't post when drunk."
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