Yay 6/20 Boo 6/20 (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer April 14 2012 9:33 AM EDT

Yes I finally made it there, only 6 hours in an I realize that with one less BA, I am attempting now to do the same as before with less. With an increased reward and one less BA Im not really jumping ahead with the cost of buying BA going up. With less generated BA and less BA to purchase my competitiveness in a Clan is going to suffer. With that effect farming being done against me will be felt more.

I know youve all suffered this before and its nothing new and Im probably preemptively complaining, but Im wondering how to be more competitive being that there is not much left I can do to my team other than get more fights? Im pretty well capped on encumbrance.

Is this what is detrimental to our player base when people realize its this bad at the top. Would a modified CP system per BA range make things easier and balance out the clans(ie: Chaos clans)

QBJohnnywas April 14 2012 11:33 AM EDT

You forget though now you're in 6/20 your clan targets pool is broader, because, although rewards will need to be watched you can fight down without getting negatIve challenge bonuses. Also you dont have to fight as much. 6/20 is the long game, its the plateau for the most part. Its almost time to get comfy.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] April 14 2012 12:43 PM EDT

I personally just got bored at the top. The best part about it is that you can go longer without needing to log in (great if you are busy), and you don't get negative fight rewards for fighting down. So like JW said, there is a bigger pool of people to fight in total.

But meh, I still find it boring. Not much changes up there.

As far as the chaos clans are concerned: "We are trapper-keeper... We are one."

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 14 2012 3:57 PM EDT

i think part of the reason it is this way is so that a clan full of top players won't always dominate and new players can compete with veterans at least in this aspect of the game.
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