Help me perfect a 2 Minion ES strat (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] April 3 2012 8:28 AM EDT


OK, I'm currently thinking;

Minion 1
Training: BL, DM, VA
Wearing: AoI, ToA, ES, HoE, TG, EB, BoM

Minion 2
Training: PL, HP
Wearing: AoAC, TSA, HoD, TG, CML, SC, MS

I know I'll not be able to do anything about those pesky EXBows, but hey, can't win 'em all!

This will leverage the most out of a PL/TSA wall, and let the ES stack.

How would you change it?

QBJohnnywas April 3 2012 8:52 AM EDT

I'd make the tank more dancing elf assassin. See my tourney char...

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] April 3 2012 8:55 AM EDT

Better yet, join the tourney that's running now. Test it out, tourney doesn't end till Saturday night, 2 days of BA burning puts you around 5m-ish MPR. Plus you can up the weapon to your hearts content.

I can tell you that it will most likely not fair well vs the majority of 4 minion teams or anyone who can pump out more damage then you can dish out while waiting for the bleed out damage (or poison, whatever we feel like calling it) to rack up. But who knows, you could prove me wrong.

QBJohnnywas April 3 2012 9:00 AM EDT

Yeah, go tourney, you've still got most of the week and you can have a 2 mill MPR char running in a day, and boost the weapons/equipment to a testworthy level.
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