Stupid snow and ice (in Off-topic)

AdminQBVerifex January 20 2012 3:00 PM EST

We're experiencing a lot of stupid ice and snow, and unfortunately it's breaking all our trees here in the northwest. Ugh!

Here is what it looks like from here, both pretty and ugly.

AdminShade January 20 2012 3:08 PM EST


Stormbringer January 20 2012 3:09 PM EST

Pacific northwest? I live on the Oregon coast, just lots or rain and heavy winds. Some flooding to. We never get to see any snow here.

Lochnivar January 20 2012 3:10 PM EST

Looks like you got all the winter weather that just missed me here in Vic... (we did get 4 to 6 inches of snow, but that is all)

Gotta love freezing rain eh?

Fishead January 20 2012 3:25 PM EST

HA, some of us pay good money to travel to places that look that pretty in winter, and pay good money not to live there :)

Don't eat the yellow stuff.

Joel January 20 2012 3:31 PM EST

AH, it actually looks like winter, over there! Its actually pretty hot, in North Texas, right now, lol. I wonder if we'll even get any more freezing weather this year; it looks like winter is over, now! :P))

Lord Bob January 20 2012 5:25 PM EST

Looks like your average Tuesday in Michigan.

Newlin [SeeD] January 20 2012 6:47 PM EST

Looks like your average Tuesday in Michigan

My thoughts exactly. :)

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] January 20 2012 8:10 PM EST

Hey now Fexy, it isn't too terribly bad a little more west of where you are. Except the fact that the power is out around alot of the area... BTW did i ever mention I HATE the snow >_>

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 20 2012 10:21 PM EST

Cool pics! Even tho your weather does not impress me. Canada FTW...or FTL depending on your view.
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